Chapter 9

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chapter 9

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Have fun reading this chapter and you are going to find out a plan. A plan that mason made up himself.

Have fun enjoy.

OoO Chapter 9 OoO

" has any one told you about Lewis yet?", Mason asked me.

" yeah Taylor just did why?", I ask.

" well we have a plan, but it's quite dangerous", he stated.

Wait a plan, O-oh this is going to be bad.

" what plan".

" we have decided to have an annual festival for this town. This festival will be on the 21st of November at 6:30 starting, ending at midnight. This plan is knowing that Lewis and his clan of newborns and matures will be arriving when they find out about this. They will come when they know it's in your home town and they will think this is the perfect opportunity to attack. The reason they want you is unknown", Mason talked with a serious attitude which scared me to bits. Scared me to little millions of billions of centillions of smithereens.

" But why? why me? I am the most stupidest, dorkiest, ugliest, strangest, nerdiest, person ever", I scream at Mason in his face but I didn't mean to I just had a spaz attack.

Mason looked shocked, frightened, fear spread across his face. He didn't have any thing to say to my comment which made me feel sorry for him self.

" Mason I'm- I- plea- I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that it jus-", Mason cut me off when I was trying to apologize which made me feel worse.

" Save it, and I know you didn't mean to but here's a comment to what you have said, I don't think any of that", he remarked which left me mouth hanging open, gazing after his structure which simply glided out the door.

What did he mean?

Why did he say that?

What did he say?

Could he please repeat it?

Was it a question?

Was it a statement?

Someone please explain?

Answers I am waiting.

After that when mason had left I decided to take a nice, warm, relaxing shower just to calm my nerves.

I took of my clothes than I looked at myself in the mirror. I had purple sags under my eyes which meant I hadn't had any sleep for a long time. Looking at myself made me realize that if I had no glasses, no freckles and the perfect white teeth I would actually look exceptional. I took my bra and undies of and looked at myself and my naked body one more time.

I came up with a plan

If I could just get enough money let's say $5000 from mason then I could get laser eye surgery which would mean I dont have to wear these glasses anymore. Next I would buy heaps of foundation and get a dentist to whiten my teeth. I would buy more sexy clothes.

Yay this is going to be fun.





" yeah yeah I'm coming", I yell.

Oh damn I had nothing on. I grabbed a town and wrapped it around me just holding it would be a female at the door.



" hold on I will he there in a second", I yell again.

I opened the door.

There standing in front of me was no other than a stranger.

Okay I know I only just met well saw him but I could tell he was nice.

He had blonde hair which was in a similar haircut to Masons but it was blonde not brown. His eyes were brown/green. Oh my god he had no freckles and white teeth. AHHH. You could easily see those big hard strong mussels that were under the blue top he was wearing.

Reality came flooding back and I realized that I was here in only a towel which only just covered my ass.

I could easily see that this hot stranger was checking me out. I blushed with that thought.

" Um, hi", I say trying to break up the silence. It works.

" Hello, you must be Rachel, I'm James", the dude replies

Now I know his name.

" Yeah I am Rachel how are you", I ask politely.

" I am fine how are you?", Riley asked.

" good".

" So what were you doing before I came?".

" oh um I was going to take a shower and then go to bed".

" Oh I guess I came at the wrong time, I will talk to you soon then when it's dinner, which means I will wake you up", he says with a smile.

" Ok bye then".

" Bye".

Wow I just met a super hot dude and he's going to wake me up.


After I took a shower I went to bed.

I dreamed about nothing, exactly nothing just plain dark blackness.

Like entering the black hole but not moving.

Someone was shaking me waking me up from my silent sleep.

" Rachel, Rachel wake up they are coming", someone said.


wow I wonder who is coming

Nah I know

I want to write another book soon good vs evil

so here's the blurb of good bs evil

Nichole Harns parents had died in a car accident just a month ago. She stays with a lady called Nina who told Nichole the terrible news. Weeks later they find a place for Nichole to stay at and she starts to have a new life. After being bullied at her school a guy comes and freaks the bullies out. They stay away from him while Nichole becomes friends or more and uses Riley as a body guard. Dannie the evil red headed student captain wants Riley for herself. Massive action romance as to the perfect love story.

Comment tell me what you think of the blurb and this chapter

Vote for this story and sometime I am think about putting it in the watty awards. Only thinking

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