Chapter 19

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Well guys one more chapter after this. Now this one is gonna be action packed. Please tell me how I did with the action-y stuff cause I've never wrote that kind of things before.

Can you also tell me how I did with that make out scene from the other chapter.

Chapter 19

"Uh, um n-nothing", I stutter.

"Are you posit-", Alexis starts to say but gets cut off from a scream.

We all instantly run down stairs and see a guy taking my mother and father away, both parents unconscious.

"Don't move", a guy orders from behind us.

Then a cloth went around all our mouth and noses. I tired not to breathe it in, but I had to.

I got really tired, all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep.

Thankfully my eyes started to droop closed and I allowed sleep to take over my body.

* * *

I awoke from pain around my wrists.

The pain was unbearable, like metal chains were digging into my wrists, cutting the skin and flesh.

I slowly open my eyes and look around me.

The sight was terrible.

There was little kids all around the room, all tied to the walls from chains around there wrists.

Under each child there was a puddle of blood, oozing down their bodies from their wrists.

The were all screaming and crying, looking deathly thin.

I wonder how many days or weeks they had been here? Had they been fed?

I saw my mother and father as well, mason and Alexis. They were like me.

Slowly they woke up and had a shocked expression.

I think the first thing we all thought to do was soothe the kids with words.

"Shh, it's alright", we would say.

None of these words would work.

We all gave each other a look.

'What are we going to do?' Alexis asks me through a mind link.

'I don't know. But I think we should at least try and get out of theses chains' I reply.

'And how to you think we do that?' Mason joins in.

'Uh, hello? We're vampires. We are super strong, I bet that all these children in here are humans so they have no chance. But we do' I explain.

I start to move around. Then I bring my feet behind me so there on the wall and push.

I push again this time supper hard, and hear a cracking sound. I push again and feel the chains start to get weaker. Then I do one last push and get free from the wall.

I look behind me and see the chains fall to the ground.

1 down heaps to go.

Behind me I hear Mason and Alexis get free.

"Let's start", I say.

We run around super fast and get most of the children free.

Though when we have about 5 more to go, the door opens and someone starts to clap.

"Wow, you've been awake, what? 10 minutes? Congratulations", the unmistakable voice of Lewis says.

"Let's us go", I demand.

Lewis laughs humorlessly, "You think I would. When I can do the opposite. Come on in boys".

A bunch of buff males enter the room and I hear the kids shuffle backwards.

We all step forward with my mother and father.

One of the guys pounced at a 5 year old and tore of his head. I lunged at him and did the same.

Blood was covering my hands and clothes but I didn't care.

I look back behind and and see everyone fighting.

A guy was sneaking up behind mason so I snuck up behind him and got the knife out of his pocket. I them sliced his arm.

He let out a scream and turned around to me.

Just as he turned around I stabbed him on the neck. He collapsed to the floor with a thud.

I ran over to another fighter and stabbed him while still running. The knife went straight through him and stabbed the wall, the guy hanging from the knife.

"You have some technique", Lewis says coming out from a shadow.

"Are you to wuss to fight? You coward", I state with rage.

"I was just saving my energy".

"For what? You don't need energy to stand around and watch the chaos around you".

Lewis takes out a knife and starts ti sharpen it.

I tried lunging at him but he easily dodged it. I looked in front of me and saw a little girl get cornered.

She was very cute, around 4. She blonde hair that was put up into two pig tails and chubby cheeks.

She looked so frightened.

The guy cornering her was giant.

He got out a gun and aimed it at her head.

"No!", I screamed.

The little girl looked at me through tears.

I started to run to her and when I was about a meter away the guy pulled the trigger.

"No!", I whispered and fell to the ground.

That poor little girl. These poor kids. They are just innocent cute little children.

But now they don't get to grow up. They are never going to see their parents again.

All because these douche bags thought it would be fun to kill them. They are cruel people who had no life and nothing better to do.

Why does everyone have to be so evil?

~,~,~,~ so that's chapter 19, I might upload again soon and then this book will be finished. I know sad right.

But DO NOT worry there WILL be a sequel. But I probably won't write it until I feel like it.

So if you want to know what the name is and when I upload it then please fan me.



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