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Harry and I stayed out all night on our mountain reading my book until I finished it. The only time we took a break was when my family texted me birthday congratulations around ten. Initially I was confused until I remembered that Texas is two hours ahead of us. After I messaged them back I started reading again. Harry sat actively listening, gasping and laughing at the appropriate parts in the story. He made me feel like he genuinely enjoyed my work.

After I finished he praised my skills and offered, as a birthday present, to introduce me to the publishers who handled the 1D books. As tempting as the offer was I declined. I want to become an author by my own merit, not by who I know, and I told him so. He seemed impressed, even though that wasn't my intention.

Once we got to my house he got out along with me and walked me to my door. Just as I was about to go inside he stopped me and pulled me into a long hug. I was definitely caught off guard but once I felt how solid his body was against mine and got a whiff of his cologne I turned to pudding in his arms. It felt like he hugged me forever and as he released me he whispered, "Happy Birthday," into my ear. I nearly combusted feeling the heat of his breath tickle my ear.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face and awoke to an array of texts. Damien and Amita both blew me up with texts offering birthday congrats and also asking if I was in town. Knowing of my plans with Harry for the day, I skim over their questions and offer them my thanks for the birthday wishes. I have a few texts from my Twitter notifications, co-workers I hardly speak with and old friends from back home have been bombarding my timeline since early this morning. It feels great to receive all of this love on my favorite day of the year.

As narcissistic as it sounds my birthday is like a holiday in my eyes. I like to be showered with love and affection and get everything I want. I know it sounds childish and even a bit selfish but I feel I deserve it. I'm always giving but I never ask for anything from the people in my life all year so the least they can do is make my birthday special. At least that's my opinion.

Rolling out of bed proves to be a harder task than I thought as my legs get caught in the sheets and I somehow roll too far and crash to the floor. I thank God I don't live in an apartment or my downstairs neighbors would hate me.

As I'm getting up I receive a succession of texts. Looking at my phone I see they're all from Harry. He's asking if I'm awake, telling me to wake up, and finally informing me that he'll be at my house in half an hour so we can go to breakfast. I laugh at his pushiness and just as I'm about to put my phone down another text comes in. This time he's unnecessarily apologetic.

"Also, Happy Birthday B. Sorry I was brash, I'll make it up to you today. All the love – Houdini"

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face reading the text. He's so charismatic and he always knows just what to say. I have no doubt he's a hit with the ladies. The silver tonged devil could talk the panties off of a nun.

Dragging myself to my feet I try to shake the sleep away and get myself together for the day. I have no idea where we're going or what we're doing so I don't really know how to dress. Knowing Harry it'll probably be a pretty low-key day so I decide on a casual outfit. I lay the white tank, grey cardigan, and distressed jeans out on my bed, layered the way they would look on me. Turning my head from side to side I try and imagine what I should do with my hair and accessories until I realize how much time I've wasted. I've never known Harry to be late in the time I've known him so I doubt he'll start today.

After rushing my clothes on I apply mascara and eyeliner to my eyes and swipe a peachy gloss across my lips. My hair I throw into a messy bun to get it out of the way of the collar on my cardigan. There are few things I hate more than my hair constantly getting caught underneath my collar. I don't need that kind of stress on my birthday.

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