Down For You

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Last night is such a blur. The last thing I remember... I can't even remember. I know for certain I was with Berkley. We got dressed at work, dropped my car off at home, and went to the club and after that...nothing.

Everything on my body feels heavy and every movement of my eyes stings like I'm blinking glass while my brain feels like it's pounding against the walls of my skull, searching for a way out. My gaze foggily lands on the floor where a semi-familiar black dress and silver shoes are strewn carelessly across the hardwoods. Panic shoots through me like a lightning bolt, forcing my eyes wide to take in my surroundings.

I'm in my house, that's a good sign.

I hold my breath as I turn over in bed hoping against hope I'm in bed alone and thankfully I am. I let out the breath shakily and finally call Berkley's name. When he doesn't answer I call for him again only to be answered with the same silence as before.

Thanking the Lord I didn't do anything I'll regret last night I throw the covers back and ease out of bed. My head feels as heavy as the rest of my body like it's full of bricks rather than brains, making me immediately want to lie back down. I must've drank my weight in alcohol last night judging by the pungent smell of vomit in the air. I'm not sure where it is but I'm sure it's not in the toilet, I wouldn't smell it if it was.

Stepping one foot onto the floor the mystery of the rogue puke is solved as I slip and slide forward until I land in the gunk. I nearly vomit again seeing God knows what all over me but I hold it in.

"This day couldn't get any better," I grumble to myself sarcastically turning over to get up from the floor. My back, butt, and now hands and knees are covered forcing me to shower before I can clean anything up.

After a longer shower than I deserve I drag my cleaning supplies from my hall closet praying I haven't warped the floors leaving my... liquid on the floor all night. I'd never forgive myself if I lost my deposit because of an idiotic drunken mistake.

As I clean it seems my luck may be changing since the floors appear to be fine. It doesn't take me very long to free my room of the rancid smell and sight and inspect the rest of the house for anymore puddles.

Placing my cleaning supplies back in the hall closet I sigh deeply. I hate not being able to remember what I did after a night of partying. They don't say watch the shy girls for nothing, I can get a bit crazy. I normally never allow myself past two or three drinks, four if I ate heavily that day. I can't imagine what got into me but the thought crosses my mind as to how I could find out.

Drying my hands from the warm soapy water I rush to my room in search of my phone. The first thing I notice is it's not on my nightstand where I usually put it so I know the hunt is still on. I rack my brain trying to remember what purse I carried and where in the hell I put it. Memories of my silver clutch float through my mind in smoky wisps sending me in search of the infernal thing. As I hunt every crevice of my home I recall exactly why I normally carry huge purses. If I'm looking for them I damned sure can't miss 'em.

"Ah ha!" I yell out triumphantly, pulling the silver contraption out of the freezer. I don't even want to think about why it's here I'm just glad to find it. The metal casing is freezing but at least it isn't frozen shut.

Opening the clasp I find my phone face up as if it's staring back at me with disdain. With a push of the unlock button I key in my security code and unleash hell on my life.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that I was a drunk dialing fiend last night. One quick scroll through my outgoing calls reveals around ten phone calls to my various contacts as well as a lump sum of text messages, some of them in an indecipherable language.

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