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Harry and I lie in bed my back to his front our hands mimicking our bodily positions. As he plays with the ring he placed on my finger a month ago, I think about how often we've ended up in this same position since then. Back to front our bodies still sticky from the sweat of our love making, the scent of passion in the air as we calm our breathing. I've gotten to know his body better than my own and as much as we explore each other there always seems to be more to learn. Aside from leaving for work or food we hardly leave the bed and as routine as it sounds every time is like the first. His eyes still light up when he sees me and each time we fall into each other's arms he makes love to me like it's the end of the world.

Although I thoroughly enjoy wrestling in the sheets with him my favorite part has to be this, lying in his arms after. He always rests his head against mine and we talk about nothing, about everything, getting to know the ins and outs of each other's minds as well as we know the other's body. I've told him everything about me that's surface deep. Still keeping the illusion that I'm some amazing woman who's been practically locked away in a tower somewhere waiting just for him. I sell him the dream that I'm not emotionally damaged or broken, that I don't have scars on the inside that haven't yet healed, that I'm not insecure and afraid. The look in his eyes when he sees me tells me everything I need to know, he's buying it. I can't bring myself to ruin that gleam in his eye with honesty. Who am I fooling? My own selfishness is keeping me from owning up to my flaws. No one that perfect can handle being with such an imperfect person, not for long. Especially not when there are literally millions of other options right at his fingertips. Women who can let go of grudges and move on, ones who don't have baggage that's so old it has dust on it, ones who can be perfect for him and let him in the way he deserves. My thoughts tend to linger over coming clean and laying everything bare for him but they quickly float away once he starts to play in my hair. Sleep normally follows soon after and by the time I wake up I realize how one slip of my big mouth would send our entire relationship over the edge and off a cliff.

He's been owning my nights and mornings and I can't deny how good it feels to be in the arms of someone who cares about you. There's nothing I can compare this to and that in itself is a scary realization. I'm completely in uncharted territory. Trust should be the tool of choice right now but instead it's avoidance. As long as I can keep myself tangled in him I can't get myself tangled in my thoughts, my past, or my fears.

"We've got to get up you know?" Harry murmurs, sounding half-asleep.

I sigh, knowing he's right. I have to make sure Amita moved into my place okay and confirm my cousin's arrived in Mexico safely for spring break. Somehow Harry convinced me to take the week off but I doubt we do anything but this unless one of us puts a stop to it. Rolling over in his muscular graffiti covered arms I plant a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away sharply before he can deepen the kiss and get me lost again.

"You should call Niall," I tell him as I crawl out of bed and grab his t-shirt to slip on.

The shirt falls down over my head just in time to see him roll his eyes and grudgingly grab his phone.

Laughing, I shake my head at him and leave the room. He's been pissed with Niall ever since his UFC party. Just as he suspected Niall wouldn't leave him alone about my shirt, asking me if I would wear it to bed just to knock Harry off of his game. He even somehow got everyone at the party to say they shipped us over Harry and me. Zayn thought it would be funny to turn it into a drinking game so every time someone would mentioned Nialley we would take a drink. After he saw how much it bugged Harry, Niall saw fit to bring it up every few minutes in one way or another and Liam ended up getting so drunk he puked.

I get a couple of messages to my phone as I fix chicken egg fajitas for Harry and I. He's got me eating a bit healthier, more protein and less carbs, and surprisingly I've been enjoying it. It's one of the latest eating fads he's trying but I think it'll be one I stick with even if he doesn't. I've had more energy and my stamina has been amazing.

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