Chapter 3

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I'm trying to stop myself from hyperventilating. Really a girl no I like boys what the hell is going on. Breath Hayley . My wolf is also confused. I sniff the air to make sure that she is my mate. Hmmm She smells different now that she has walked further into the room, but my mate is definately here I can just tell, if its not the girl then who.

I start to look around, he is here someone, When I look at the door again, the most jaw dropping sexiest guy I have ever seen walks in. He looks right at me and I melt. My wolf screams MATE I couldn't be so lucky. He walks straight pass me and totally ignores me, and goes sits next to the new girl like he knows her, Hang on a minute they look alike I would say that they are twins and that's why I thought she was my mate. Thank the skies she isn't but her brother is and he has shoulder length black hair and ice blue eyes and is 6" 2, he will tower over me I'm only 5" 2.

I want to turn around and stare but I don't want to make a fool of myself, so I just face the front and try to pay attention to my teacher.

" Everyone I would like you to all give a warm welcome to our two new students twins Penny and Lyndon Cave They come here from Alaska and live with there Aunt and Uncle. So please be nice and show them a Rock Springs welcome" she tells us

So Lyndon Cave. Mrs Hayley Cave, I like it . I look around to say hello and see Lyndon flipping me off what the. Is that his way of rejecting me. He doesn't even know me.

My chest starts hurting and my wolf whines softly oh please don't reject me I've been waiting all my life to find my mate and he is going to reject me.

I turn around and just stare into space. I cant even comprehend what the teacher is saying. I'm in a state of shock.

The bell rings, I stand up and head to my next class Biology thank the skies he isn't in my class but his sister Penny is. Our biology teacher introduces her to the class she smiles at everyone and then ask were she can sit.

" Take a seat next to Hayley her lab partner changed schools last week, so you will be her new partner" answers the teacher

Penny approaches the desk. I keep my head down looking at my biology book, trying to pretend I don't notice her.

" Hi " penny says while taking her seat next to me.

I look up and say hi back, she smiles and turns to face the front of the class to listen to the teacher.

After ten boring minutes of listening to Mr Hay. Penny leans over and whispers " So what is your name "

" Oh sorry it's Hayley " I answer

" Well you know my name is Penny. I'm sorry about my brother flipping you off in English class, it's just he didn't want to move here, away from his girlfriend and friends. " she tells me

My breath catches in my throat, he has a girlfriend in Alaska. My wolf lets a low growl He will be ours no girl will get in the way my wolf growls again. I'm sure he will come around and want me.

Oh crap I better answer Penny I was staring into space for a while probably thinks I'm a looney " Oh that would suck to move. I don't mind that he flipped me off obviously he doesn't want to be my friend " or my mate I say to myself.

" You know when I first walked into English I could smell this most delightful smell, I knew it wasnt for me Lyndon walked in and stared right at you, and I heard him say MATE very softly. He will come around Hayley like I said he just doesn't want to be here. But you might change his mind " Penny whispers to me.

I turn and face her " I don't think he will accept me I'm the runt of the litter I'm not popular like my two brothers, and I'm not beautiful or really skinny, which is what most guys go for, hence why I have never had a boyfriend. "

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