Chapter 22

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I open my eyes, and quickly close them again, it's to bright. I open them slowly and just squint, to try and see where the hell I am. Shit hope I didn't get captured by the dirty bloody rogues. If I did I'm going to kill every single one of them.

I try and sit up, but give up as I hurt to bad. Man those filthy pigs must of beat me up good. It is funny how I don't feel any restraints on me. I try to move again, but it's no use I hurt real bad especially my back.

I feel the bed move, I freeze not knowing who it is. I start to sniff to see if I know there scent, then I smile realizing it's my beautiful mate Hayley. If Hayley's here them where the fuck am I .

" Lyndon did you just move. No you couldn't off just my imagination. Crap I'm talking to myself. See what you do to mister. Your making me bloody cray cray." Hayley says to Lyndon or is it to herself no one really knows.

Lyndon smiles, and tries to open his eyes up more so Hayley can see that he is awake. I'm not sure if I. An talk my throat feels so dry.

I hear a scream, and then before I know it Hayley has flung her arms around means is crying. Then she is up and running out the door. I can hear her yelling he is awake he is awake . I laugh and just wait for her to come back. I count to three and yep there she is running back into the room, and giving me another hug. She is so predictable. Man I love her even if she is cray cray. I laugh and say to her

" Hayley your hurting me little, beautiful"

" Oh shit sorry Lyndon. Sorry sorry" she says while stepping away.

I grab her hand so she doesn't go to far away. At the moment I need her touch it's helping lessen the pain. That's what I love about mates they can make you feel better just by a simple touch, and to think I didn't what a mate . I was so stupid.

The doctor walks in and checks all my vitals, but I still don't know what is wrong or what happened to me. The doctor says I healing well and should be able to go home soon. Being a wolf I heal quickly.

The doctor exits the room and it's just Hayley and I . I turn to her and pull her closer. She hops on the bed and lays next to me. Trying not to hurt me. I kiss her on the head.

When the doctor was in the room I had a drink so now I can talk better. I ask Hayley what happened. She looks at me and tells me everything that happened at the fight. Then how I was badly injured and needed a kidney transplant, and that Penny wasn't compatible, and how scared she was of losing me. Then she told me something that I couldn't believe. I tried to believe it but just couldn't . Alpha Eli of the Jackal pack was my father.and I have my mums kidney in me. That's what saved my life. Just after Hayley told me this Penny and Kaleb walk into the room.

" I'm so glad to see you awake" Penny said while walking into the room.

"Me to man good to see you awake" Kaleb said

" It's good to be awake. But I'm kind of in shock at the moment. " I say trying to absorb the information Hayley just told me.

" I told Lyndon everything that happened. Hope you don't mind Penny. I probably should of let you. Sorry" Hayley says sadly to Pennu

Penny walks over to Hayley and gives her a awkward hug as Hayley is still laying next to me. Hayley gets up so she hug Penny probably. Then Penny hugs me. I need to talk to Penny by herself and see what she thinks of all this. Cause I'm not sure if I feel angry or happy or what I don't know.

" Hey Hayley and Kaleb do you mind leaving me and Penny alone I just need to talk to her and get her perspective of Eli being our dad. Is that ok" I ask them

Hayley walks over, and gives me a kiss and says. " Of course it is. I need to go home and freshen up anyway I have t been home for a few days now. I love you and will be back in a couple of hours ok"

" Thank you beautiful. I love you too" I give her a kiss , and her and Kaleb leave.

I look at Penny. She comes and sits in the chair next to the bed. We sit in silence for a bit . Realizing that Penny isn't going to say anything first I say to her

" I don't know whether to be angry that uncle Clint never told us, or be happy that we found our dad. This has really flipped my mind and I don't know what to think."

Penny says " I didn't have time to think about it when I first found out, I was to worried about saving your life. But I have thought about it a lot and I except everything. I told dad that I forgive him, because he didn't even know that he had kids until a few days ago. I also forgive for killing our mum, as she was the one to bring the rougues here in the first place, and she tried to kill dads pregnant mate Sabrina. "

" What he killed our mum?" I yell at her

" Hayley mustn't of told you that hey" Penny says

" No she bloody didn't . Now I'm angry no I'm really pissed" I yell

" Before you get your knickers in a twist, let me say something ok" Penny asks

" First my knickers are not in a twist, and second ok I will try and calm down so I can listen to what your saying to me. " I answer her.

Penny takes a deep breaths and says " Ok you to put yourself in dads shoes ok. The woman that is our mum bought all the rougues here and they killed or injured innocent pack members from both packs. Then when she was told to get out and leave, she tried to attack Sabrina who is dads mate and she is pregnant with his and hers pups, our siblings. So if he didn't kill her, she would just keep trying to hurt dad and his family. You can't tell me you wouldn't of done the same thing, if you were in his shoes? "

I just stare at Penny and realize she is so right. I would of done the exact same thing as our father. I look at Penny and I have tears rolling down my cheeks. She wipes them away and says to me

" Why are you crying Lyndon?"

" We have a dad and soon brother or a sister . It's a lot to take in hey. I'm o longer angry, I can see why dad did what he did. I don't think I would of liked to of met our mum, she doesn't sound like a nice person." I tell her.

" I know but I'm loving knowing that we have a family and that we aren't orphans. I love uncle Clint and Aunty Lisa for looking after us but I wish uncle Clint told us about our dad earlier. I had a talk to him and asked him why he didn't tell us. He said that Eli wasn't a good man when he was younger and only recently dad has changed for the good and he won't be going back to his old ways. The last couple of days I have been hanging out with dad and Sabrina and I really love being around them, and I hope you give them s chance to be in you life." Penny says

" I want to get to know him and Sabrina and I can't wait for the pup to be born . I say to her

Penny gets up and gives me a hug. I know we are finally going to be happy and our dad is going to help with that and our mates. I can't wait to get out of hospital and get to know my dad, it is what I have always wanted and now I'm wish has come true, and I couldn't be happier.

The door to my room opens and I look to see who it is . The person is standing ther not knowing whether not there welcome to come in or not. So I put them out of there misery when I say.

" Hi dad, please come in. We need to talk" I say to him.

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