Chapter 14

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Lyndon and decide to go on a picnic since it is a really beautiful day. But first we go downstairs to make sandwiches and get snacks and drinks for a our little picnic.

Mum is in the kitchen talking to Jane. When we walk in she stops talking and asks me how I am.

" I'm good mum. How are you lovely lady? " I ask her.

" very good honey, now what are you and Lyndon up to today." She asks me while raising her eyebrows at me.

" We're going for a picnic at the lake. We just came downstairs to make sandwiches and stuff. "

". Oh a picnic I haven't been on one of those for years. Maybe I will join you"

" No way your coming with us mum it's just me a Lyndon " I inform her while sticking my tongue out at her.

She pokes her tongue out at me and says " Your no fun. But

there is plenty of left overs from the party if you would like to take them. I will even pack your basket for you that's how nice I am. "

" Thanks mummy your the best I wuve you. Maybe next time you can come with us and dad too" I tell her.

She just shakes her head and then tells me I have to help. I start to help her put salad and meat into containers. When we are finished, I give her a kiss on the cheek, say thank you, grab Lyndon's hand and walk out the door.

" We are taking your car Hayley and I'm driving" Lyndon says while grabbing my keys off me and running towards my awesome car. I can't blame him for wanting to drive it, I don't mind at all just this once , because this is his once and only time he will be driving my sweet ride. He will be upset when I inform him of this.

" Ok sweetie but know this, this is your once and only chance to drive my baby so make it count ok " I tell him

" oh what I only get to drive it once, your not fair " Lyndon says all pouty like.

" Well maybe if you asked instead of taking maybe I would let you drive it again. Maybe if your a good boy on the picnic, I will let you her home ok. " I look at him to see that he is smiling.

" I don't know why your smiling I haven't said you could drive her home yet. Remember. Good. Boy Lyndon. " He looks at me , then leans over to whisper in my ear.

" But I only know how to be a bad boy, and I was going to show you how bad I can be. " he straightens up while I try to keep my cool. He continues to say.

" But now you will never know because I want to drive your sweet ride home , so I will be the best boy ever." He is smirking like the Cheshire cat.

I look at him and say while smiling sweetly. " Oh but you know what Lyndon" He turns to look and me. " you may have to be a good boy but I don't have to be a good girl" I wink at him, then turn to look at the window. I'm going to make it so hard for him, in more ways than one. I giggle inside my head, maybe it's a bit more like a evil laugh bahahahahahahahahah.

We drive for about an hour, there's a lake near the border of our land. The lake is so beautiful, I'm glad we have it not the Jackal pack .

Lyndon pulls onto the car park. We hop out and get the picnic basket and blankets. Lyndon grabs my hand and we start to walk to find a nice spot.

We find a spot near the edge of the woods, but not to far from the lake. I lay the blankets out and My hot boyfriend places the basket down on top. Lyndon sits down while I take my shoes off and run towards the lake to dip my feet in. The breeze picks up and I think I smell the same smell from the creek , but it soon disappears and I don't think anything more of it. Lyndon comes and joins me and plops down next to me.

I snuggle into him, and enjoy the warmth from his arm around me. I get tingles every time he touches me, man I love this boy. I turn to look at him, to find he is already looking at me. I tilt my head up and start kissing him, can't help who wouldn't keep there lips off there hot boyfriend. We kiss for a while, I all of a sudden stop kissing him and look around, sniffing the air.

Lyndon looks at me weirdly, then he sniffs the air too to see what it is I'm sniffing for. My wolf is on high alert. I stand up and head towards the woods, Lyndon is close behind me.

" Is that death I smell Hayley? Is that what your smelling? " A worried Lyndon asks me.

I nod my head and keep walking, cause I can also smell that familiar smell from the creek . I know we shouldn't go into the woods my wolf is going ape shit at me to stop. But if there is a dead body and it's on Caine pack land then it's my duty to investigate.

We go back to the picnic and put our shoes on, then head towards the woods. Lyndon is walking in front of me in a protective manner. We don't walk far. When we see and smell the body. We walk slowly over to the body. I take a quick look before running to the trees and throw my guts up. Oh it is gross, but I have to take another look to see who it is, make sure it's not a Caine pack member.

I walk slowly over and sniff the revolting air to see if I can get a scent of the body. It smells like a Jackal pack member.

" Lyndon is the body from the Jackal pack"

" Yeah it is, but why would it be on our land without anyone realising it was here. You would think our patrol would of found it by now. It looks to be a couple of days old." Lyndon says to me.

I look at him and say " I just told my dad what happened. Dad, Kaleb and Ronald are on there way with of the enforcers."

" Come on Hayley let's wait over here so you don't keep looking at the body" I nod my head and cuddle up to Lyndon while we walk over to the trees.

I hope dad finds out who did this soon, because it could be our pack next. I look up at Lyndon cause there is something I just realised

" Lyndon Alpha Eli is going to think someone from our pack did this and could declare war on us" I say. The tears flow down my cheeks and wet Lyndon's shirt. We are in so much shit when Eli finds out. I'm pretty sure that no one from my pack killed this poor person.

My dad and brothers soon arrive changing back into human form and putting on some clothes, only because I was here if it was just all the guys they wouldn't care if they were naked. Gross, but thank gawd I'm here.

My dad comes over to me first to check that I'm ok .

" I'm fine dad I was just a little bit sick, but all good now that you are here" Dad gives me a hug and then goes to look at the body.

" It's a Jackal pack member alpha, it looks like the body has been here for a couple of days" The enforcer Jim tells my dad.

My dad looks at the body and then at his men and says.

" we are going to have to inform Eli, and we are going to have to prepare ourselves for war. Shit is going to hit the fan so let's get this cleaned up and go back to the pack house. I need to tell Eli and them inform our pack about what has happened and what could potentially happen. Now let's get to it" My dad turns to me

" Lyndon can you please take Hayley home. We will see you soon, but don't mention anything to anyone except your mum ok. We won't be long" Dad gives me another hug, then turns and gets on with his job.

Lyndon takes me to the car and drives me home. I'm to upset not to let him drive. We pull up in the drive and mum rushes straight out, and hugs me.

" Thanks mum I needed that. We're going to go to my room ok" I tell my mum.

" Ok honey let me know if you need anything"

I nod my head, and grab Lyndon's hand and go upstairs to my room. We lay down on the bed and we both fall asleep.

My mum wakes us up a hour later to tell us the meeting is about to start, and that Eli isn't happy so be ready for a fight.

I don't want a fight cause we didn't kill his pack member maybe I can get aunty Sabrina to calm him down.

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