Chapter 16

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Lyndon and I thought it would be cool to surprise Kaleb and Penny. I really want to annoy my brother on his romantic weekend away. Pay back for all the times he has annoyed me.

" I can't wait to go to the cabin it is so beautiful up there" I tell Lymdon

" Not as beautiful as you " aww my mate is to cute, gott love him.

It was Sunday morning and we were about to head up to the cabin, when all of a sudden Ronald comes rushing in the front door yelling for dad. Dad rushes out of his office and asks what is wrong.

" Kaleb just rang Penny has been taken by rogues and he doesn't know where she is cause he was knocked out, and he can't pick up her scent. He wants us all up there now. He is panicking big time.

" Hayley car now were leaving now" Lyndon tells me.

Doesn't have to tell me twice. We run for the car with Ronald coming with us. Dad and his enforcers will meet us there. Lyndon speeds all the way there don't blame him if it was Kaleb or Ronald I would be speeding too. We arrive but can't see Kaleb. We hop out of the car and look around, trying to pick up any scents mainly Penny's .

Lyndon runs into the forest without saying a word. We follow him keeping up easily as we are all really fast. He turns left and then right and left and so forth. It feels like hours, but he finally stops just near trees before a clearing where there is about three cabins and one cement building with bars. The cement building looks like a jail.

I take a deep breath and I can smell Penny, I think she is in the jail. I look at Lyndon and he is fuming and about to change, I walk over to him and touch his arm lightly.

I whisper to him " Lyndon you don't want to do anything rash. Let's think of a plan before we going barging in there." He doesn't say anything and stays really angry still.

" Lyndon look at me, please." He turns slowly and looks at me, and then just grabs me to him and hugs me tight. I just hold him and rub my hand up and down his back trying to calm him. While I'm hugging Lyndon I look at Kaleb and Ronald both of them are trying to come up with a rescue plan. Lyndon let's go of me and turns to the boys.

" We need to wait for your dad I'm sure he and the enforcers will be here soon. Hayley is right we can't go and barge in there. I think we need to go further back into the forest so they can't smell us."

" I can't leave her here by herself. I will wait here and hide you guys go and meet dad" Kaleb says.

We nod and the three of us head back into the forest. It isn't long until we meet up with dad and the enforcers.

" Dad the cabins were they have Penny are this way. We think there are about five rogues in the closet cabin. We haven't looked but we could smell them." Ronald tells dad.

" So you know we should make a plan, but stuff it there is fifteen of us so let's barge in there. I'm glad you kids waited for us. Where is Kaleb? " dad says

" Waiting for us near the cabins, he didn't want to be to far from Penny. " I inform dad.

"Ok let's go get her " dad says before shifting onto his black and grey wolf.



Ow what happened to me. Shit my head hurts and my wrists. I look down and see my hands tied. Where the hell am I . I remember now being taken by rogues, and them knocking Kaleb out. Oh I hope he is ok.

I wonder how long I was out for. I look around, it looks like I'm in a jail that looks outside. I can see three cabins and it looks like thee are five no sorry four guys and one girl in the cabin furtherest away from me. I have no guards strange, they must be really confident that I won't escape.

I can smell sniff sniff I think it is Kaleb, is he here to rescue me. Sniff sniff I can faintly smell Lyndon, Hayley and Ronald. Are they here to rescue me. Oh I hope so but please don't be foolish guys I think to myself.

I lay back down on the mattress and just wait to see what happens. It isn't long until the action starts, I can see Hayley keeping to the back and snaking her way towards me. She must be my rescuer. I watch her get closer, when all of a sudden she is in her wolf form and fighting the ugliest wolf I have ever seen. They go out of my sight, and I can't see what is happening, most of the fight is out of my sight. I can hear flesh ripping and blood gushing and lost of growling and biting.

I sit back on the cot and wait. I must of dozed off because next thing I know I'm being lifted up and carried away. Wait what. I snap my eyes open to find Kaleb is carrying me. Oh thank goodness he is alright. I snuggle close into him,and breath in his scent mmmm I love this guy so much, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

We walk into the forest and all the enforcers Kalebs dad and Ronald are walking with us. I try and se if I try and see if I can see my brother and Hayley.

" Kaleb where is Lyndon and Hayley?"

Kaleb looks down at me and says ". Hayley got injured so Lyndon is rushing her back to the pack hospital. Don't worry she will be alright just a leg injury. Hayley is tough"

". Poor Hayley all because she was helping me"

". And she would do it again your like a sister to her love"

I smile at him and lean my head on his chest and just enjoy being carried. We exit the forest and are back at the cabin. We hop in Kalebs car and head to the pack hospital. It doesn't take too long to get back. We arrive at the hospital and I am ushed into a room to do some tests to see if I'm ok. I have minor cuts and some bruises, and a nasty bump on my head, but other than that I'm ok.

When I get the all clear to leave we head to Hayley's room to see how she is.

" Hey Penny how are you doing? ". Hayley asks me as soon as we enter the room.

" Shouldn't I be asking you that " I reply

"Maybe but I'm fine, some ligament damage and a cut on my leg no biggie just need to rest. So Lyndon will be taking care of me and carrying me around, it's going to be awesome". She giggles and batters her eyes lashes at Lyndon. He just rolls his eyes and smiles at her.

" So you didn't answer my question how are you Penny"

" I'm fine just some bruises and minor cuts oh and a nasty bump on my head but otherwise all good"

We sit and talk for about an hour. Kaleb notices I'm getting tired and we head home. I'm so thankful they saved me I don't want to go through that again.

I hop into Kalebs bed and he soon follows me on the other side.

"Thank you for saving me. I love you so much Kaleb I don't know what I would do without you"

" I would save you a thousand times over. I love you with all my heart Penny. Now go to sleep it's been a long weekend."

Kaleb kisses on my forehead and then we go to sleep in each other's arms

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