Chapter 6

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Tomorrow is my birthday and my brothers too. We will be 18, and get our new cars, I can't wait. I hope my dad and my brothers witch friend can save my Aunt Sabrina from that awful man Eli. I really want to have my Aunt at my birthday party.

Ronald and I head to school Kaleb gets to stay home and help dad. So maybe Aunt Sabrina will be home by the time I get back home. I hope I don't see Lyndon today my heart breaks every time I see him. He is so hot and cold I wish he would make up his mind whether he wants me or not. I know I want him but I am preparing myself for rejection. Penny said she will talk to him, that was two days a go, I guess her talk didn't work he keeps ignoring me. What are ass, I hate but like him. I hate feeling like this

We arrive at school and I head straight to my locker as I round the corner Penny is standing at my locker waiting for me. Kaleb and Penny are inseparable she is going to miss him today. I'm glad that Kaleb is happy with his mate and finally gotten rid of that complete bitch of a girlfriend of his. she is so not happy, I'm loving it,

I walk up to Penny and open my locker " Good morning Hayley" Penny says

" Is it good" I look at her. I get my books out of the locker and turn to leave.

" Hayley please don't hate me" She says to my back. I turn around and face her.

" I don't hate you Penny it's your dam brother I'm not liking much at the moment, and you look like him. Sorry I will be nicer to you" I smile at her. We start to head to our home rooms.

" Lyndon will come around he is just being stupid. I told him his girlfriend is seeing someone else so I think he is a bit upset about it. Please just be patient Hayley, he won't be able to leave you alone. It's killing me that Kaleb isn't here, I feel like a piece of me is missing" Penny explains to me.

" Thanks for leeting me know Penny and I know what it fell likes to have the missing piece of you" I tell her.

I enter my home room and sit in the back none of my friends are in my home room, so I open my notebook and start to scribble nothing in particular

I was minding my own business when Lyndon walks over to me and says 

"We need to talk " 

I answer saying " Whatever, when? " 

" Now " he growls at me.

I get up and start following him out the room. We head outside towards the tree line, and sit under a big tree, I don't know what it is called.

We just sit in silence for a couple of minutes, wish he would speak 


" What do you want to talk about Lyndon, I want to get back to school" I tell him, while frowning. 

" Sorry " he says 

" What for " maybe its for being a dick to me. Yeah right I can only dream.

" For being a dick" He says with a smirk. Was he reading my mind. I know it is possible with mates, but I thought only when they mated for the first time that happened

" Yes Hayley I can read your mind, so it seems we have a strong mate bond, cause yes you do usually have to be mated first " He informs me.

" Oh really , then how come I can't read your mind  huh " I say to him all pouty.

" Have you tried to " He asks. Well no crap now I will try. Ok concentrate Hayley. I close my eyes and try and read Lyndons mind.

Hayley I think your beautiful and sorry for being a jerk to you

Holy crap I just read his mind, and he thinks I'm beautiful. I open my eyes and look up to Lyndons eyes.

" Actually Hayley it is our mind link you just have to learn  how to turn it off and on" Lyndon says.

" Oh I don't anything I'm so naive. How do you turn it off Lyndon" I ask.

" Concentrate on putting a wall up over your thoughts" He says. Ok that sounds easy, not. I close my eyes again and I start to build a wall, one brick at a time. Ok I think I've done it. I will try it out.

Lyndon you are so dam sexy.

" Thank you Hayley you are dam sexy too, and I was stupid to treat you the way I have been" Lyndon says while standing up and putting his hands so he can help me up. I grab his hands and he pulls me up and into his arms. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts it so my eyes are looking into his eyes. He leans down to kiss me when all of a sudden we hear.

" Hayley and Lyndon my office now " Says the principal Mr Cranky pants real name Mr Tyson.

We look at each other then grab our bags and follow Mr Tyson. We are in so much trouble, I have never been in trouble before shit.


SABRINA { triplets aunt }

I've been stuck in this house for two days cleaning and cooking and putting up with Eli's attitude. When he isn't  being a grumpy bum, I catch him staring at me and when he realises I have seen  him staring at me he quickly turns around and walks away.

Even though I hate being away from my family and pack, I can't stop thinking about him. I just want to rip his clothes off and have my way with him. I have to control myself and wolf but sometimes it's just so hard.

I stop cleaning the dishes when I realise Eli has come home. Dam he smells so good. I quickly dish his dinner up and put it on the table ready for him along with a glass of bourbon.  He walks into the dining room and sits down, and starts eating not even realising that I'm standing in the room. I head back to the kitchen to eat my dinner at the bench.

Eli finishes and goes upstairs to his bedroom. I grab his plate and wash the rest of the dishes. I'm so bored I want out of this hell hole please someone help me, I'm going insane in the membrane. All of a sudden I feel this strange sensation and before I know it I'm out cold.

I come to and sit up and look around to see where I'am. This place looks familiar. Hang on a minute this is the guest bedroom of my sisters house. How the hell did I get here.

 A/N please vote and comment so I know how the story is going do you hate it or is it boring please let me know thank you stay safe

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