Chapter 7

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My friend Rita and I headed towards the border of the Caine and Jackal packs. Rita is a witch and is helping us free my Aunty Sabrina. My father is waiting for the all clear from us so he knows when he can rescue her.

So we head towards the border and keep in the shadows. We stay behind a huge oak tree. Rita gets out all the ingredients she needs for her sleeping spell, man there is alot of stuff I don't know what half the stuff is. It takes Rita about 10 minutes to set up, then she starts chanting the spell, I can only and pray that this works. When dad first told me of his plan I wasn't very optimistic about it working, but now I have hope.

The wind starts to pick up and is twirling around Rita she is getting louder and louder. I can hear wolves coming from the Jackal pack. Hurry up Rita, please hurry up I keep thinking to myself. There getting closer, the wind is getting stronger, and I can barely hear Rita over the roar of the wind. I can see the wolves fast approaching, I get ready to shift and mind link to dad to be on alert. When all of a sudden there is this boom. I cover my ears and hope for the best.

When everything seems calm again I look up and see that the wolves are 5 metres away and unconscious. I start smiling. The spell worked, now my dad can rescue my Aunt. I mind link with my dad and give him the all clear and tell him to be careful, just in case not everyone is a sleep.

Rita looks up at me and says it worked thank the gods. I couldn't agree more. We head back to my house and head to the kitchen to get a drink. I'm just about to open the fridge when mum comes barging in asking is she here yet I tell her no, so she goes back to the lounge to pace some more.

Rite heads home and I take a seat on the lounge watching mum pace the room. It feels like forever, but after about 25 minutes dad comes in carrying my aunt and takes her to the spare bedroom. My mum is right behind him. Dad puts her down and mum checks her over. Rita told me that the Jackal pack should be asleep for at least 5 hours. That gives us some time to prepare for Eli to come knocking on our door. He sure isn't going to be happy. serves him right he just can't take my aunt and use her like a slave.

I link with Hayley and Ronald and tell them that Aunt Sabrina is safe now. I borrow mums car and pick them up Hayley won't be happy until she sees Aunt Sabrina for herself. I link with Penny and ask if she wants to leave school early. The response I get is Hell yeah babe. I thought she would say that. I'm so glad I found Penny now I feel like I am complete. She is my everything I love her with all my heart now I just have to tell her that.



We finally get out of the principals office with just a warning. It was weird the principal was going to give us detention, but Lyndon said no to him and all of a sudden he changed his mind and gave us a warning. It was like Lyndon has Alpha blood in him, I think I'm going to have to check to see who his family is and there bloodline.

I kiss Lyndon goodbye as I head to my English class. I'm just about to enter when I hear Kaleb telling me and Ronald that he is on his way to pick us up and that Aunt Sabrina is home safe and sound. I squeal when I hear that and before I know it Lyndon has thrown me against the wall and he is standing in a protective stance. Shit did I miss something.

" Whats wrong Hayley " Lyndon ask me after scanning the area for trouble.

" Nothing Lyndon my brother Kaleb just told me he is picking Ronald and I up so we can see my Aunt who they rescued earlier. " I tell him while trying to free myself from him. I finally and do and put my arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss.

" But I heard you scream" He looks at me with a frown.

" I squealed in excitement because my Aunt was safe and sound at my house sorry didn't mean to scare you" I say while trying not to laugh. He is dam cute when he is being protective.

" I'm not cute, I'm am drop dead sexy and you know " He said smirking at me. He then puts his hands on my waist and starts kissing me passionately. We pull apart and I ask him if he wants to skip the rest of the day and come home with me and see my Aunt. He said sure. So we head outside to wait for Kaleb.

Kaleb finally arrives and we all get in the back. Lyndon and I get in the far back and sit real close I'm almost sitting on his lap.

" Man are you two together now " Kaleb ask us.

" Yes we are I finally realise what a arse I was being and how much I couldn't live without Hayley in my life " Lyndon answers Kaleb. I can't stop smiling he just made my heart melt. I think I love him already.

" You miss school for a few hours and look what happens. That's awesome. Hey that's mean all three of us are mated and before our 18th birthday too " Kaleb informs us

" Well technically we haven't completed the mating yet " I tell Kaleb blushing. Oh my Gosh did I just say that. I can't wait to mate with Lyndon but I want it to be special. I'm sure Kaleb and Penny have mated already they can't keep there hands off of each other and I know that Ronald has he told us.

" Well Hayley if it makes you feel better either have we yet we were going to wait until tomorrow night and stay in a hotel and try and make it special " Kaleb tells us.

" Oh that sounds nice Kaleb. Good luck I tell him" I tell him

" I don't think they need to know when we were deciding on that Kaleb" Penny says

" Sorry but there my siblings and we tell each other everything. I bet Lyndon already knew didn't he? " Kaleb asks Penny.

" Ok you got me there honey " Penny says blushng. Kaleb grabs her hand and kisses it.

We finally arrive home and I rush out and straight upstairs to see my Aunt. I open the door and she is asleep. I forgot the sleeping spell she should be out for another 5 hours dam it. I walk over to her bed and give her a kiss on the forehead. Then I exit and walk downstairs to the kitchen where everyone else has gathered.

" Hey Lyndon do you want go outside for a walk get some fresh air " I ask him.

" Yeah sure babe I would love too" He looks at me and smiles. Man I love the way he smiles, hje should do it more often.

We walk outside and start walking to the clearing. It is so beautiful here, we sit under a tree Lyndon has his back to the tree and I sit between his legs and lean against him. He wraps his arms around me. we sit like that what feel likes hours, I could get use to this.

We are sitting there minding our own business, when all of a sudden we hear a deep growl. We both jump up and instantly Lyndon is in front of me in his protective stance. We look around trying to see where the growling came from. Then this big ugly grey wolf walks out into the clearing and heads straight for us I scream and mind link to my father and brothers There's a rouge in the clearing and it's about to attack us help please .

I watch in terror as it gets closer and closer and then starts running full pelt straight at us I scream as it leaps in the air straight at Lyndon.

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