Chapter 18

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I just stand there and wait for everyone to leave, I have to get back to my pack and inform everyone on what is going on. But first I have to talk to Eric.

" Thanks for doing this Eric and I'm so glad everyone is going to help, even though I haven't been the nicest person around." I tell Eric when he walks over to me.

I really need to change my ways of doing things , I need to be more understanding and considerate. I think I will get Sabrina to help me with that.

" No worries anytime, I hope that one day in the future you could return the favor" Eric says.

" Definately anytime. Now I better go so I can inform my pack of what is happening. I will back tomorrow to go over plans with you. Is it ok if I bring four of my strongest men with me?" I ask Eric

" Of course that's fine. See you tomorrow at noon" Eric says

I make it back home to find Sabrina in the kitchen cooking dinner, and it smells so good.

" mmm that smells good sexy, what are you cooking?" I ask my sexy mates.

" Apricot curry chicken. Now go and have a shower before dinner please" Sabrina says

" Want to join me gorgeous " I say while wrapping my arms around her.

She gives me a quick kiss, but tells me no she has the rest of dinner to cook, and there is plenty of time for nookie later. I give her a little slap on her perky backside and walk upstairs to our bathroom.

I hop out of the shower and get dressed in just my normal shit jeans and a T-shirt. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Sabrina is dishing up dinner and she hands me my dinner. I sit down at the table and Sabrina joins me. I take my first mouthful and I am in heaven. This is the best thing I've ever tasted. Man I love my mate .

After dinner we sit down to watch some tv. Lauren my ex is living in the pack house for the time being, I'm not sure what is going to happen yet with her. My mind starts thinking about the twins I have. I sometimes I can't stop thinking about them. I wonder were they are , Are they ok ? Are they still alive? . I come out of my thoughts when Sabrina says something to me.

" Sorry love I didn't hear what you said" I inform her.

" I could tell you weren't here with me. What were you thinking so hard about babe?" She asks me

" I was thinking about my twins that are out there somewhere and I don't know where." I tell her.

" we will find them , but I think we need to concentrate on who are murdering our pack members first. Then when that is over with I will help you find them ok" Sabrina says

" Your right love we will wait. We are going to the Caine pack tomorrow at noon to discuss plans, do you want to come with me?" I ask her

" I would love to can't wait to see my sister and tell her I'm alright nothing to worry about" she says.

" ok. Sorry love I have to go meet up with the boys and inform them what is happening. I will be back soon ok" I tell her

" ok I might go to bed, I've been really tired lately" she tells me

I kiss her goodbye and head out to the pack house. All the boys are waiting in the meeting room for me.

" Thanks guys for coming. So the Caine pack is going to help us find these murderers, so we need to come up with a plan that will work for all of us to find them ok."

We came up with a plan that we think will help us find these killers. I head back home and I stop suddenly, I can smell a off smell, I turn around and and head into the woods. I lose the smell , so I start to head home when all of a sudden I get knocked out from behind.

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