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" What the fuck Eli" Sabrina yelled at me as soon as we got to the lounge room. I turn around and face her, and see she is fuming

" Sabrina calm down honey it' s not that big of a deal, we were married and then we got a divorce. Hence why she is my ex. " I tell her calmly, when I'm really hoping she won't get anymore upset I don't like seeing her like this angry and sad

Sabrina walks over to me and puts her arms around my neck, and I automatically put my arms around her waist. " I'm sorry I shouldn't be upset. I should of let you explain before going off like that. So how long were you married for? " She asks me.

" 19 years ago and we were married for 1 year. We just weren't meant to be, and I think we both knew that one day we could find our mates. So we broke up ,and I haven't seen her since. I have no clue why she is here now." I tell her. I'm hoping there is a bloody good reason to why Laura just shows up out of the blue.

Tom and the doctor burst through the door. " Where is she" the doc asks

" Upstairs third door on the right" I tell the doc. Doc heads upstairs and we all follow him.

Laura is starting to wake up. At first she is startled, but then she sees me and smiles. I just frown back at her.

" Laura we need to know some answers from you , but doc needs to check you over first ok." I tell her while still frowning at her, because she is still bloody smiling at me.

" Could you all please leave while I examine the patient please" The doc asks.

" I will stay I don't want her running away " Sabrina says to me , but doesn't take her eyes off Laura.

" ok love, let me know when I can come back in " I tell her.

About ten minutes later the doctor walks out of the room, followed by Sabrina.

" Is she ok Doc" I ask him.

" She is fine just exhausted. I told her to rest for the next three days, so I hope you don't mind a house guest for that long." The doc informs me . Bloody hell I don't want her here ? Shit bloody shit dam it.

" I will find other Accommodation for her she is not bloody staying here. Fuck that I got rid of her 18 years ago I don't want her here now." I tell the doc and then storm into the room, with Sabrina hot on my tail. We'll not on my tail literally well maybe she could be if I was in wolf form. Shut up Eli your getting of topic. Shit now I'm talking to myself I must be going mad arrrrr. As I was saying I stormed into the room with Sabrina following me . I walked right up to the bed and yelled at Laura.

" What the hell are you doing here? "

" I need to talk to you in private please Eli, I don't think your mate will like what I have to tell you." Laura tells me.

I look at my beautiful Sabrina . She looks at me, and then walks over a gives me a kiss on the cheek, and simply says

" I will be in the kitchen cooking dinner"
I nod my head and give her a peck on the lips, Man I love this woman and I'm going to tell her how I feel later. But for now I have Laura to deal with. Sabrina leaves and shuts the door. I turn around sharply and just glare at Laura.

" This bloody better be good Laura I'm not in the mood for your shit today." I tell her

" Always were the charming one Eli "

" Laura tell me now" I say through clenched teeth.

" Ok ok sorry. Um this is really hard to say, I've kept something from you for so long and now that there is danger about I need to tell you. " I'm about to tell her to hurry up but she continues. The next sentence comes out of her mouth so quickly I'm not sure I hear her right.

" Eli you have a son and daughter."

" What slow down woman if didn't hear you"

Laura says slower " Eli you have a son and daughter they are twins"

Did she just say I have a son and daughter that are twins. No way I don't believe her. If I did then why did she keep it from me.

" What " I ask looking dumbfounded.

Laura starts to speak real slowly " I said you have a so.........."

" I heard what you said idiot, but I don't believe you. If it is true then why didn't you tell me sooner" I yell at her.

She looks at me and tears start falling sown her face. " Don't give me that shit tears don't work on me, you of all people should know that"

" Still a ruthless bastard I see Eli. "

" Yes I got even more ruthless over the last 19 years, so spit out the truth or fucking leave NOW" I scream the last part.

" I found out I was pregnant a week after you left me. Before you say , " but how do you know that they are mine your just a cheap whore " I had a DNA test done on them when they were born, I had a hair brush of yours that had enough DNA in it to do the test. They also have the same piercing blue eyes as yours. That's how I know they are yours"

" why didn't you tell me sooner then "

" Because you told me you never wanted kids remember that when we first met, that was the first thing out of your mouth." She informs me. I did remember telling her that, but fuck sake they are my kids, I would of helped raised them.

I look at her " where are they now Laura, and how did you look after them yourself. You didn't have a job and you were staying with your drunk mum." I ask her

She looks out the window and sighs " I gave them up for adoption, and I have just recently found out where they are living. My mate helped me , before he was killed by rogues that were looking for you." Laura looks at me and asks" Why are there rogues after you?"

I just look at her. It's none of her business, but it would explain a few things that have been going on around here, like attacks that I am getting blamed for.

" That's none of you business. Why are you here now telling me if you adopted them out?" I ask her.

" Tue rogues know who they are and are coming here to kill them to get back at you." She says

" But how do they know when I am only finding out about the twins now" I ask confused.

" They tortured it out of me , they knew we were married once and thought they would pay me a visit, to see if they could get any information out of me." She says

" You always were bloody weak Laura"

" they were slowly killing my mate I would do anything for him. But after they got the information out of me, they killed him anyway. So I came to find you as soon as I could because I don't want to see our son and daughter killed because of me." Laura cries more now, I can see the heartbreak in her eyes. I look away not sure I know what to do.

First thing is first I will have to tell Sabrina and then meet my kids. Shit I have two kids.

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