Rule Breaker

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Rule Breaker - All

"You know, John told me something really interesting today, Calum..."
"What did he tell you, Ashton?"
You entire body stiffened up at the kitchen counter. You could already feel the scolding come on. You hadn't meant to do it. They were all so busy, and you hated to bother them, so you did it yourself. You remembered exactly how it happened. You'd been sitting on the couch watching a movie when a really steamy sex scene came on. Normally, you're not easily affected, but you'd been on edge all week. The boys had been working hard in the studio, so they had no time for you at the moment. They'd fall asleep or push you away when you tried coming onto them; it's not like you could force them into fucking you. So, it's not entirely wrong when you began rubbing yourself outside your shorts...which turned into rubbing inside your shorts....and then your panties....and then fingering that led to a very relieving orgasm...

All witnessed by John Feldman from across the pool outside. The older man helping the boys with their songwriting must've been on his way to the house when he caught you. He merely smirked. Your heart plummeted into your stomach. He'd pass it on to the boys like a typical joke; they might laugh. However, they'd all give each other secret glances. Glances that meant punishment would be happening tonight. YOUR punishment.

Ashton initiated the conversation in the kitchen. Calum sat beside him while Michael and Luke played FIFA not too far in the lounge. You knew they'd be playing but also keeping an ear in on the conversation. It scared you slightly....but at the same time sent little tingles down your spine. The anticipation was better than the act itself sometimes. Your stomach churned in the middle of your gut, forming knots and making it hard for you to focus. Your hands went slightly numb, which stopped you from cooking.

"He said he saw our little Y/N touching herself on the lounge," Ash answered.
"What?" Calum said in mock surprise. "Our Y/N? Nah, he's lying. Our Y/N would never do that. She knows it's against the rules."

"And our sweet, little princess would never break the rules," Michael sounded closer now. FIFA stopped playing in the background all together. Oh no. "She knows better."
"Nope, that's what he told me." Ashton said, "Luke was there too, weren't you?"
"Sure was. He said she was having quite a time all by herself."
"But....But that's just dumb because I mean, she has four pretty good looking guys right here," Calum said. "Don't see why she would do it herself."
"Neither do I..."

The room went silent a good four minutes. You thought time had stopped completely. Your hands stopped cooking, your body stood rigid against the cool marble countertop and you thought about what they'd do now. You could feel them all watching you from behind. Their disappointed, scolding and possibly aroused faces would burn right into your back until you forced yourself to face them. You didn't think you could. You felt too ashamed for what you did; too guilty to admit it out loud. They had only two rules set for you:

1. No panties are to be worn in the house (with the exception of company).

2. No touching yourself. AT. ALL.

You'd broken the last and biggest rule they had for you. They didn't ask much of you, since they were pretty sufficient themselves. You were mainly hired as an assistant in the very beginning: Making schedules, getting them to places on time, making sure they behaved. Pretty soon, the tables turned. You still did your job, but with some added benefits. Now, you stood in the kitchen two years later, shivering like a child.

"Are you just going to stand there and act like you can't hear us," Luke said, "Or are you going to turn around?"
You slowly turned around, holding onto the counter for support. It was exactly as you pictured. All of them huddled together by the island counter staring at you in mixtures of disappointment and anger. Ashton-being the 'father figure' in the band-usually spoke first.

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