Do You Believe Us Now

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Do You Believe Us Now

You were straying with the band for a week as they were touring America, just wanting to spend time with your best friends. Even though you had a separated room, you did spend most of your evenings and nights with them, eating, watching movies and laughing; and tonight was no exception.

Ashton and Michael had bought some bottles during the day, and half of them were now empty and laying in the middle of the room.

"Let's play truth and dare" Michael said, giggling like a little girl.

"Pff that's so lame" you replied, rolling your eyes.

"Or maybe you're scared (Y/N)!" Calum answered, cocking his eyebrows.

"Alright, let's play then!" you challenged.

The game started off pretty boring with the usual questions: "are you a virgin", "which celebrity would you like to have in your bed" and the usual dares as well : "call room service and ask for something ridiculous"...

You started to drink again and then asked Luke "truth or dare?" he went for truth and you already knew what you wanted to ask him.

"What is your biggest fantasy?"

His eyes grew wild for a second as his gaze went nervously to his band mates, who nodded, telling him that he should speak up.

"Alright hmm... I'd really like to have a girl being really submissive for a night, like she'd let me tie her up, she'd call me 'sir' or 'daddy' and I'd get to play with her body for hours until she can't take it anymore and beg for me to let her come or something... Oh yea-ah I'd like that" he said bringing one of his hands to his crotch to hide his bulge, his cheeks turning a dark shade of red.

Your eyes were practically falling off of your face at this point and you suddenly started laughing.

"What?" he asked, "you don't believe me?"

"No" you shook your head, "this can't be the Luke I know" you added, still laughing. He shrugged and turned to Ashton, who chose truth as well. He asked him the same question as you, and Ashton threw his head back as if he was actually dreading it.

"Alright huh... Well actually I've always wanted to go really rough with the girl, like really really rough, hear her scream from both pain and pleasure and yeah what you said Luke sounded really hot too" he answered, looking at the ground.

You laughed again, tears into your eyes as it was clearly some kind of joke.

"What is wrong with you?" Ashton asked you. "This is just too funny, you guys are some really funny dudes" you replied in between laughter.

Ashton raised his eyebrows before looking at Michael who didn't let him speak. "Before you ask me bro, it's pretty much the same"

"Yeah me too" you heard Calum mutter at your side. You were laid on the floor at this point, clenching your stomach, trying to catch your breath, it was just too hilarious.

"Alright, alright guys" you said when you finally managed to speak again, "you wanna play tough boys and stuff, I understand, but now I dare you to actually tie me up" you said, just wanting to hear them say it was all just a joke. They all looked at each other, and the alcohol helping their courage, they all agreed with a nod.

In a second, you were laid on one of the big beds, stomach flat on the mattress, both hands behind your back, and you turned your head in time to see Ashton undo his bandana and tie your hands with it.

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