New Experience <ai>

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New Experience - Ashton Irwin

There I stood, in the middle of a room filled with people I'd seen on TV so many times; it was overwhelming and totally surreal. I frantically turned around and looked for my boyfriend who was fetching us both something to drink; I caught sight of his tall figure near the bar, he was talking with a man I couldn't put a name on even though I'd seen his face before. My lips curled up in a smile as I realized I'd probably have to wait quite a while for him to come back. That was definitely something about him, no matter where he went, he always ended up having long conversation with people he'd only just met; I admired that about him, he could befriend anybody, anywhere and no matter what the circumstances were.

The music was loud and people were starting to get wasted; award winners were being congratulated and celebrated by getting drunk; and the ones who didn't win made up for their loss with a well-deserved drink.

I was dressed in a rather fancy dress that Ashton had insisted on buying me especially for this after-party. I was also wearing heels; they had been my best friends ever since I started dating Ashton who was taller than me by a good 5 inches.

I looked over at Ashton again and a mini crowd had formed around him as he kept on telling stories and making jokes to entertain his little audience. He glanced over at me and gave me an apologetic look but I flashed him a reassuring smile and waved my hand in the air in a nonchalant gesture. I decided to go get myself a drink in the meantime and as I made my way over to the bar, I caught a man I'd never seen before look at me up and down with a smirk on his face.

Half an hour later, I was tipsy and dancing with some girls I had just met, and of course there was still no sign of my boyfriend. Two men had come up to me and offered me drinks but I politely refused and explained that I was there with my boyfriend and they both wished me a good night before walking away.

Two hands snapped around my waist and I didn't even have to look at them to know they weren't Ashton's. I quickly turned around and faced the man who seemed way more drunk than everyone else here; I pushed his hand away and waited for him to look at my face instead of my cleavage.

"Hum; I'm sorry, but I'm here with my boyfriend" I told him and he frowned and looked around the room before shrugging.

"I don't see him anywhere" he smiled at me but became serious again as he saw the look I was giving him; "but we can dance, right? I mean there's nothing wrong with just dancing" he tried again and just as I shook my head, I felt a familiar and possessive arm circling my waist.

"I think she said 'no'" Ashton said coldly. I shivered at his tone and watched as the stranger let out a defeatist sigh and turned away.

"We're going home" he added as soon as the man was out of sight. I frowned and turned in his arms so that I was looking at me.

"Already? All you did was talk to some people and now you just want to leave?" I asked a bit confused, and hurt as I thought he might have wanted to spend a bit of time with me, too.

"Exactly" he answered without looking at me. He wrapped his hand around mine and turned around, pulling me through the crowd as he made his way over to the door. I was starting to get really mad as I thought about what he just did. I didn't know whether he was jealous, or mad or simply tired but he hadn't even asked me if I wanted to stay or if I had a good time. By the time we got to his car, I was fuming and he still hadn't said a word to me.

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