Chapter 4

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Emily's POV, a few minutes earlier

I was sitting in the dining hall with Rose–Agent Osborne's first name–and she was continuously trying to get information out of me about Mira and Loki.

"Look, nothing happened, alright?"

"No, it's not alright. Loki is the enemy and if Mira has some sort of romantic relationship with him, she may try and help him!" Rose hissed back.

"Loki is undeniably attractive and I think Mira was considering asking him out but she's never been in a serious relationship before and now that she's seen what he's done, I'm pretty sure she's got that idea out of her mind!"

"Were they ever alone together?"

"I don't–" An explosion rocked the ship.

Mira's POV

An explosion rocked the ship and I fell out of the chair. Loki's clone remained steady, as did the real one.

"What was that?!" I demanded. Neither Loki answered me. The clone grabbed me and pulled me flush against his chest, forcing me to my feet. He put one hand over my mouth and the other around my middle. My back was pressed against his front so I couldn't summon my wings. The scent of peppermint overwhelmed me and I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I still had my earpiece in my hand but when I tried to put it back in my ear, Loki snatched it and smashed it. Just then, a thunderous roar echoed throughout the ship. The Loki in the cage looked up and grinned. The Hulk had been unleashed. I began to struggle in the clone's grasp but it was futile. Every time Loki exhaled, I felt his breath on my neck.

"Relax, Kitten." His voice purred right next to my ear. I could feel his lips playing with it slightly, just enough to distract me from trying to escape. It took several minutes for me to accept that I wasn't going to go anywhere so I might as well relax. That's when the ship trembled. We were losing altitude. What was happening out there? Loki had maneuvered the two of us into the shadows with me in front of him, my black suit hiding most of his green and gold armour.

The door opened and Thor rushed in.

"No!" I looked back to the cage to see Loki opening the door. Thor ran at him. Loki squatted as Thor dove. And went right through him and into the cage. The real Loki was behind me. Loki walked forward, keeping one hand on my mouth. The door to the cage closed, trapping Thor inside.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" I looked up. His eyes were blue. I struggled harder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a SHIELD agent walk over to one of the other exits. Weren't we alone before? Why wasn't he attacking? The first thing Thor did was to try and smash the glass with his hammer. The glass cracked but then the supports holding the cage shifted. Even Loki looked unsure for a moment before smirking.

"The humans think us immortal. Shall we test that? He hit on buttons on the control panel. The SHIELD agent in the corner suddenly grunted and fell to the floor. Agent Coulson stood above him with some sort of weapon.

"Move away please." Loki did so.

"You like this?" He began walking forward, "We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does." He powered it up and orange rings lit up. "Do you want to find out?" The guard stood up behind him and transformed into... Loki? This one had that scepter thing. I cried out in surprise and he stabbed Phil with it.

"No!" Thor pounded the glass again but did no damage. Loki pulled the scepter out and the clone behind me faded away but I was too frozen in shock to notice. The real Loki quickly walked over and grabbed me. Neither of them spoke a word as Loki hit a control that made the floor open. I could tell Thor knew what was going to happen. Loki pushed one more control indifferently and the cage dropped. I screamed but it was muffled by Loki's cold hand. He let go but kept a firm grip on me.

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