Chapter 21

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3rd Person POV

Evening fell and the dining hall was packed with nobles, warriors, and peasants alike but the Angel and her convicted mate were nowhere to be seen and the royals were growing concerned.

"I will go to their chambers and fetch them." Odin sighed after a guard had reported both the library and the gardens vacant. 

"I will accompany you, husband." Frigga offered.  Her tone demanded nothing short of a 'yes'.  Odin pressed his lips together but did not say anything.  He merely rose and departed from the hall with her at his heels.

Odin knocked loudly on Mira's door but got no reply.

"Go in and fetch her." Frigga knocked not as loudly but got the same response.

"Mira?  Are you in here?  I'm going to come in." She cracked the door ajar when she was not met with a protest and found nothing but an empty room.  The bed was made, the bathroom door was open, and there was nobody on the balcony. 

"She's not here.  I'm going to try Loki's chambers." This time, Frigga didn't knock.  She just opened the door softly and the sight she found made her heart swell with joy.  Loki and Mira were lying side by side with their arms around each other and one of Mira's wings over them, acting as a blanket.  Both of them were sound asleep.

"This is unacceptable!  They are neither married, nor engaged!"

"But they are courting."

"That does not give her the right to be in his chambers alone with him!"

"She is an angel and he is going into isolation for a month, the longest time possible.  That gives her the right."

"Wake them up and bring them down."


"Then I will." He crossed the room to the bed.

"Nay, let them sleep.  Grant them this much.  Can you not see how in love they are?"

"It doesn't matter.  It is an insult not to show up to a banquet held in your honor."

"We're not asleep, you know." Loki said in a low voice. "Well, I'm not.  She is."

"Then wake her and come down."

"Odin!  She has had a trying day."

"That matters not."

Mira's POV

"What's wrong with you!?  Can't you see she's tired!?  Let her sleep!  I'll come down on my own."

"What's going on?" I opened my eyes and sat up.  Loki was awake and glaring at Odin, who was standing on my side of the bed while Frigga stood in the doorway shaking her head.  What had I interrupted?

"Nothing." Odin growled, still glaring at Loki, "The banquet will begin as soon as the two of you 'grace' us with your presence."

"Odin!" The older woman glared at her husband but he ignored her hateful gaze.  Odin stormed out of the room with Frigga practically running after him yelling at him about how rude he had been.

"Well, we'd better get moving." Loki pouted.

"Five more minutes?"

"Nope.  Let's go."

"Fine.  Then at least permit me to change your clothes." Without waiting for my consent, my dress vanished from my body and it was replaced by another dress far more formal than the one I had just had on.  This one was backless, just like all of the other ones I had worn, it was mainly an evergreen shade but had highlights made up of black lace but I suppose the thing that unnerved me the most about this dress was the very low neckline.  I wasn't even sure if it would qualify as a neckline as it dropped below my chest and the black lace was the only thing hiding most, but not all of, my cleavage.

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