Chapter 85

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Plot Chapter

I knew that contacting Skye was a huge risk, but it was certainly a risk worth taking. She got into his phone and changed the number under Alexander Pierce's contact number to Sam's. That way, he would pick up no questions asked. Skye also informed me that Ward was HYDRA, and that he had basically kidnapped her but there wasn't much I could do at the moment for her. We didn't have much time to catch up but it was still nice to talk to her. She was the most normal out of her group.

The three of us met up in the lobby of a building not far from where Sitwell was meeting a US Senator for lunch. Sam was near the restaurant, waiting to ambush him with a call when they came out.

"Why can't I be the one to ambush him?"

"We've been over this, Mira. He'll recognize you."

"You know, since he broke up with Emily, we should find him a new girlfriend." Nat pointed out.

"You sound like you have someone in mind."

"Well, I've already made two suggestions but he's turned them both down."

"Sharon from next door?"

"Did that."

"And who else?"

"Someone who works at SHIELD."

"Probably not the best of ideas anymore."


"But then again, we don't know how this is going to end. Shouldn't we save the world, find a date later?" Sam was walking up to us with Agent Sitwell, who looked very nervous when he saw the three of us.

"Let's go to the roof." Sam went back outside and we took the elevator up to the top floor, and climbed one more flight of stairs from there. Steve literally pushed Sitwell out onto the roof.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm."

"Never heard of it."

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?"

"I was throwing up, I get seasick." That was all it took to back him up against the ledge on the edge of the roof. He would've fallen if Steve hadn't grabbed his suit.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're going to throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

"You're right. It's not." He let him down, "It's her's." A terrified look crossed Sitwell's face and Nat didn't hesitate to kick him off the roof.

"I'll get him!" I dove off the roof after him and dove until I caught up with him. I caught him by his suit jacket and parachuted my wings.

"I'll take that!" Sitwell was snatched from me by Sam, who was flying back up to the top.

"Hey, give him back!" I went after him and grabbed Sitwell's ankles. Sam obviously hadn't expected that because he lost his grip and suddenly, Sitwell was upside down. I only had a split-second warning, so I lost my grip on him too, leaving him to plummet into a freefall.

"Oops." I dove after him and grabbed a flailing hand but my wing wasn't even close to healing and all the back and forth was taking it's toll. I wasn't able to pull us back up so we both started falling faster.

"Mira!" Sam grabbed my free hand and began to pull us both back to the roof. My hand was sweaty, and I could feel Sitwell's fingers slipping.

"Sam, hurry! I'm going to drop him!"

"No!" Came Sitwell's terrified voice. At last, we got above the roof. Sam changed direction, flying straight instead of up and that was all it took for me to lose my grip. Sitwell fell hard on the concrete. At this point, Sam let me go and I landed softly. Sam landed last, his false wings folding back into the pack on his back. Steve and Nat were closing in on Sitwell before he even had a chance to stand up.

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