Chapter 32

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When we landed, it was the dead of night and there was no one around. I recognized the street right away, it was a few blocks from where my apartment was.

"Where is it?"

"Come with me. Be silent but look normal."

"And how am I supposed to do that?!" Loki hissed out of the corner of his mouth as we started off down the street.

"Just....act like me." I felt Loki's cold hand slip into mine.

"This is how couples act in your world, is it not?"

"No." I drew him closer, slipping my arms around his waist and guiding his arm to my shoulder. "This is how they act." Loki reduced his strides to be in sync with me.

If anyone saw us on our walk, they did not pay us any heed. As far as any onlookers were concerned, we were just a couple out walking late at night. When we got to my apartment building, I had Loki check it for any hidden cameras or listening devices.

"There is a recording device, we will have to talk like this."


"I should be able to disable it–"

"Don't. As long as we are completely silent, we will be fine. If it is disabled then SHIELD gets a direct warning."

"I could disable the power to the entire building."

"Nope, it will be powered separately and they'll still get a notice. We just have to be fast and silent. Now let's go." Loki unlocked the door silently and we slipped inside.

"Ok, the first thing I want to do it get my clothes."

"I will transport them to the site."

"Why do you keep calling it 'the site'?"

"I know not that else to call it."

"Will your transporting make and sort of noise?"

"I can make it so that it does not."

"Not a good idea. We should just get the other things we need and transport from there. For all we know, SHIELD agents could be hiding in the apartment below!"

"Then let us go. I will retrieve your clothes." We split up, I ran to my office and he to my bedroom. I unplugged my laptop as quickly as I could and scooped it up. On my way out, I grabbed my personal phone as well as my iPad along with their chargers. Once I got my devices in their cases, I went back into the living room and raided my DVD and CD holder, pulling all of them off the shelves and into my arms as strategically as I could. When I could hold no more, I rushed to join Loki, who had pulled all of my clothes out of my dressers and piled them on the floor. He looked up when I rushed into the room but I waved him off and went to my jewelry boxes and picked them up. Next, I crawled under my bed, fetched my old katana, and crawled back out. Then, I placed everything I had on top of the clothes pile.

"What are all of the small boxes for?"

"I'll explain later, right now I need your help to get the rest of my little boxes." The two of us slunk back into my sitting room and finished emptying my case. While we were at it, I unplugged and added my CD player, iPod speakers, and my region-free DVD player. I had all of my real valuables already, all that was left was to help Loki get the clothes out of the closet. Everything was going smoothly. At least, until Loki and I pushed the closet doors open. There was a bright flash, signalling that we had been photographed, an audible alarm went off, blaring in our ears, and my bedroom door swung shut upon its own accord. If we didn't get out of here soon, we'd be captured.

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