Chapter 103

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The next month was very physically challenging, the grand total of injuries came out to be four bullet wounds for Pietro and five for me, most of them in my wings. Since my wings were full of very thin and fragile bones, most of the ones that had been broken would never fully heal, even with the combination of my sedir and modern medicine. So, Tony had gone and salvaged some vibranium from the wreckage of the Sokovian city and fashioned replacements. No other metallic alloy could be used because they were all either too weak or too heavy. It was very fortunate that Helen Cho had a smaller version of the Cradle and remembered what she had discovered while under Ultron's control, or else my wings would never have been the same again. She also found a way to trick my brain into thinking that the vibranium replacements weren't replacements and was able to get my body to accept them without too much trouble. Of course, putting those replacements in had meant three different surgeries but at least I was alive. The fifth bullet had embedded itself in my leg, and while it was a pain while it was healing, I didn't need to have anything done to it.

Pietro hadn't been much luckier, with a punctured lung and several ribs either cracked or broken, neither of us would be zipping around anytime soon. Two things that we quickly discovered about me was that one: I didn't like being shut in a room, even if there were windows open, and two: I didn't dream. The latter took the doctors a few weeks to figure out, they'd noticed an odd pattern in my brain activity during the early stages of my recovery and when they checked nearly a month later, it was still there. It was especially mysterious because neither of the twins had that same pattern. After a few experiments and lots of questions, we finally got to the bottom of the matter. The combination of the two serums had created such a strain on my brain that dreams had been forced onto a backburner. I still had them, but I was not privy to them. Dr. Cho assured me that once my body acclimated to the change, I would start dreaming normally again.

The second month was better, I had begun physical therapy to rebuild the muscles in my wings and become accustomed to the new bones, but when I wasn't using them, I had to have them in braces to hold the weight. Pietro and I had the same physical therapist and Wanda was eager to see us heal, so the three of us hung out a lot, more so than we did with anyone else. During that time, it became very clear (to me anyway) that she was crushing on Vision and it was fun to tease her about it from time to time. Pietro was the first male close my age I'd had as just a friend for an extended period of time, and that was very odd for me. At first, I was rather wary of him but when he confronted me about it, it became clear that he thought of me more like a sister than anything else.

Given that since the Avengers had become a thing, Stark Tower had been ground zero for two major attacks, Tony had decided to move home base to an old facility he had in upstate New York, about thirty minutes from the city with plenty of forested area around it. It also gave us a new place to spread out. I had reluctantly offered up the house as a base, but had been turned down. However, that didn't mean that they didn't want to use it. They wanted it as a getaway. Since we had several new additions to the team, those being Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Vision, and Rhodey, I had used the first month to read through the volumes of more complex sedir. Steve had retrieved them from his old apartment during the first week back. Now, I was pretty sure I had figured out how to create a room and the only way to find out if I was right would be to try it out. Once I was sure I would be able to correctly harness the proper amount of energy, I took the jet–I had no idea where it had come from and nobody had reported it missing yet so I was assuming it was mine–and the new recruits to the house and had them design what they wanted their rooms to look like.

My first attempt was a room for Pietro, who had given me an image of a small, futuristic, but very simple look. As per his request, I placed it in the basement, pushing out from the stide in a new direction. Since Vision had wished for a space of his own in that area, not necessarily a bedroom, because he didn't sleep, I created a little circular gathering space of sorts, with a round sofa and a table. Pietro's and Vision's rooms branched off of that. Vision's room was very....different from the others. It was extremely futuristic, with blue veins in the walls to act as light and a couple different large flat surfaces that could be used as a bed. Rhodey's bedroom was on the upper floor and he had gone for a more classic look, with a black, white, and gray color scheme complete with a mahogany wood floor. Wanda and Sam had both wanted a room in the attic, so I had extended it a bit, adding a hallway and a sitting room. Sam's room, which consisted of wood with an orangey tint and grays, branched off of the original room and had a hole in the ceiling should he ever wish to go on a spontaneous flight. I liked Wanda's room the most, it was almost whimsical, with whites and other bright colors, a pair of glass doors separating her bed from her egg-shaped basket seat hanging from the ceiling, it was a very open space. Given all the new bedrooms, I added another sitting room on the upper floor as well. Both of the new sitting rooms were very sleek, bright, and modern, with white, black, and gray color schemes. The one in the attic even had a staircase leading up to the roof.

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