Chapter 140

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"If he survived that, take him to my champion's chambers. He may be worth keeping around." The Grandmaster whispered to a guard he'd called to him, "And....uh, have him cleaned up."

"Come join me when you've lost the extra baggage, ok?" He wiggled his eyebrows at us, "I want one more night with you before you own her."

"Of course, Grandmaster. I'll be there shortly." But the dictator had already left the room. Loki pulled me into his lap and kissed me deeply. It was the first time all day that he was truly affectionate towards me in public. Slowly, I felt my hands creep up his back. I lost myself in him completely, in the familiarity of his embrace and lips

"Loki!" The aggressive shout made us both jerk away from each other.

"Hello, gentlemen." The group of armored creatures in front of us were anything but. They were menacing and not human. The one that looked most human was big and muscly and blue-skinned, but he wasn't Jotun. "Transfer me my winnings before noon tomorrow."

"You are mistaken, Loki. It was not the Grandmaster's Champion who was truly victorious. I think we all know that he stopped the fight."

"Come now, he merely collapsed from exhaustion. If you do not believe me, we can take the matter to the Grandmaster. I'm sure he can settle this dispute."

"If you will not give us our winnings, then we will collect another way." The blue man's eyes turned to me, "Give us your slave until sunrise and we will hold your debt paid." The men all laughed and I felt my blood run cold. He wouldn't do that. He couldn't!

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but she doesn't belong to me. She's on loan from–"

"Me." Scrapper 142 swaggered in, with another alien woman I didn't recognize on her arm, but I didn't have time to ask anything. 142 grabbed and pulled me up with her free hand, "And you buffoons will never touch her. Come along now, this is Trila. She's going to join us tonight." 142 dragged us both back to her ship. This Trila woman was green-skinned and humanoid, but instead of hair, she had a pair of head tails of some sort, hanging down her back. She had an hourglass figure, almost too much of one, but that didn't stop me from being just slightly jealous of her flat stomach and slim waist that were exposed by her outfit. Back on the ship, my clone was still intact, and Dreyma was sleeping in her arms. I retrieved her, ended the clone, and sat in her place as quickly as I could. I didn't like the idea of this Trila seeing Dreyma, but hopefully she was so distracted by 142 and I, and so plastered that she wouldn't remember Dreyma in the morning. Once back at the apartment, 142 gave me exactly ten minutes to see to Dreyma before I had to join her and Trila in bed.

In the morning, I woke up just like I did yesterday, nude and in pleasant pain from last night's activities. Trila was gone and 142 was holding a crying Dreyma.

"She slept until now. I think she's hungry. Both of the canisters are empty. I was about to wake you." I sat up gingerly because my chest was heavy and I was rather sore. 142 handed her to me when I was ready.

"What are we doing today?"

"You are going to stay here, clean up, wash the bedding and things we used the last couple nights, that sort of thing. I'm going out. I'll be back late. Tomorrow you'll come out with me while I do a couple things and then we'll go arrange a price with Lackey for you. I sincerely hope you've figured out what to do with that baby."

"I have."

"Good. See you tonight." She exited without further instructions.

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