Chapter 96

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House chapter

The underlined stuff is her typing on the computer

It was the middle of the afternoon before Loki had to leave me.

"Nature calls, love. There are certain things that I cannot send my clones to do." I shrugged, giving him my permission to go. In my opinion, he didn't need my permission to do anything. It was him who always insisted on getting it. When he left, so did his cold touch and while he was in the bathroom, not only did I break out in a sweat, but I began to feel very strange. My stomach tied itself in a knot and my muscles began to spasm and my teeth clacked together. I was shivering, but I wasn't cold. At first anyway. After a few minutes, I began to have cold flashes that made the tremors worse and my ribs began to ache whenever I inhaled. I felt like a steel vice was slowly tightening around my lungs. I tried taking shallow breaths, but then not only did I not get enough air, but it triggered a coughing fit which only made my ribs hurt even more. By the time Loki returned, I had slid off of the elevated pillow pile he had created and was panting heavily, moaning slightly with every exhale.

"Mira!" He was by my side as soon as he saw me and moved me so that my head rested in his lap, "What happened?" He wiped some hair that was sticking to my cheek off my face, "You are burning!"

"Just because you weren't here. Give me your cooling powers again. This will pass."

But it didn't pass, in fact, it only got worse. So much worse that when Loki noticed my hoarse, pained breathing, he had Frigga send Eir down right away. She took one look at me before she made her diagnosis.

"It's a severe cold."

"This makes no sense! She is warm to the touch and she struggles for each breath!" Eir came over and felt my forehead.

"Has she been outside with a wet head recently? Or for an extended period of time?"

"We went skiing a few days ago. We were outside for a long time. We also went swimming that night. It was snowing but the water was warm."

"It must be a cold combined with some other virus." She muttered, "Ordinarily, it would not be an issue, however she has a high risk for a coma relapse, so I will be remaining here until she recovers. Has she been using any magic?"

"No. Nor have I been in one-sided contact with her mind."

"And she hasn't taken the opal off?" I shook my head.

"Good. I want you to make her try and sleep without medication tonight, but depending on how much she gets, that may change tomorrow."

"Understood, but what about her breathing?"

"When did the trouble start?"

"I had you summoned as soon as I noticed it."

"A few hours ago." I corrected, "About when the chills and cold flashes started."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Well I regret to inform you that you have failed miserably!"

"Enough! Has she had anything to eat or drink today?"

"Some water and I forced her to ingest a pair of pills for her pain."

"And food?"


"Then go make her something light. Some bread, a soup, something! I will see to her." Loki was not one to take orders, but even though Eir was using an aggravated tone, he followed her commands and left the room.

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