Chapter 43

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I love swimming but I hate getting out of the pool.  Once my feet touch the ground, I feel like my weight has doubled and my knees are weak for a few steps.  I dislike how the water on my skin becomes cold within minutes of being out.  I hate how as soon as I finish drying off, my hair and swimsuit begins to let out the water it has absorbed, rendering my efforts to keep dry useless.  I detest that the chlorine needed to be washed out right away or else my hair became stiff and crackly.  That was why I didn't even bother to grab a towel from the shelf as I climbed up the stairs.  I just walked right to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to shower.  Otherwise my hair will become a nightmare."

"Very well.  Would you like my assistance?"

"I'll let you know if I need help with my hair, but I'm not an invalid anymore, Loki."

"I am aware of that, it is only....your recovery time is nearly over.  You're nearly there.  I don't want something to happen that will put you right back at the start."

"Loki, magic is my only restriction now.  I'll be fine."  With that, I vanishing into the bathroom.  The bathroom matched the style of the main room.  The walls were painted a light brown color and the tiles on the heated floor were large brown squares of a slightly darker shade.  In the shower, the tiles were tiny squares, the color darker still.  There were three showerheads in the shower, one that functioned like a normal one, a smaller, moveable one, and a large square one on the ceiling.  There was also a light in the shower with its own switch and a large, full-length glass door.  There were two square sinks in the brown counter, a large rectangular marble tub, and a pair of square toilets.  There was a light brown, fluffy carpet on the floor between the tub and the toilets and the shower was located directly behind the tub. 
The first thing I did was plug the sink on the left and started filling it with water.  Then, I stripped off my increasingly stiff but yet elastic suit.  The material didn't want to stretch over my hips and once past them, it rolled up.   I hated it.  Once the sink was full enough, I turned off the tap and tossed my suit in so the chlorine would seep out.  Then, I went to the shower and turned on only the light and the normal showerhead.  Freezing cold water shot out of the showerhead and sprayed me all down my front.

"Brrrr." Braving the cold, I reach in and turned the temperature dial over to hot, causing water to stream down my back and legs.  While I waited for the water to heat up, I backed up and stood shivering on the rug, my body dripping all over it.

"Frigga, instant warm water would be nice next time." I said with gritted teeth as I shivered.  Every few seconds, I stuck my hand into the spray to test the temperature.  Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long. 
Soon the water became just barely warm enough for me to step into without my muscles seizing.  I let out an audible sigh when the warm water washed the cold away.  Before I had gotten in, my hair had already started the stiffening process, becoming curly and slightly frizzy.  This water washed that all away, making it fall straight down my back.  I hadn't actually showered for leisure since before I went to Asgard.  Yesterday had been quick because I was in a hurry.  The time before that was on the Helicarrier but that was cold water and I had been rushed then as well.  The last time I had actually taken my time and enjoyed the flow of warm water beating against my back was the day I took the flight to Stuttgart.  Then, my hair had fallen about three quarters of the way down my back and almost to my belly button in the front.  Now, my hair fell all the way down past the swell of my hips!  Asgardian shampoo must have some sort of growing potion in it.  That was the only explanation.  I hadn't noticed it in the pool because my hair had been free to flow all over but now...I was just beginning to realize how much I had actually changed.  It would've taken me a year to get my hair to grow as long as it had in a little over three months!  It was like I was an entirely different person.
I don't know how long I stood there under the water but when I came to, Loki was knocking on the door.

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