Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lying in bed without the need of sleep can be very boring. All I can really do is think, and even that sometimes bores me. I got up and took a fifteen minute shower. I do this a couple times a night, it wastes some time. But this time I didn't throw on my pajamas again. Instead I put on my dark blue shirt and some ripped up black shorts. I got to admit, I looked like an Uchiha right now. I am part Uchiha though.
I'm part Hakate, Uchiha, and Zaki. I chose for my last name to be Zaki though. Ha-ha, Uchiha, Sasuke thinks he's the last Uchiha other than his brother, Uchiha Itachi. But, he and I are. I was there trying to stop Itachi. But he told me that it was a mission given to him by Konoha. So I let him pass me. I could have killed him in a mere second, he knew that too, but I didn't. I was the one who told him to let Sasuke go.
I slipped out my window with some shuriken and kunai in my hands. I don't own a pouch, but I need to get one. I have lots of money under a floor board. I don't need much of it, because I don't eat human food. I can, but I choose not to. It tastes weird to me, and I can’t use chopsticks.
I wandered to the training field I told everyone to meet me at in five hours. I made an 'X' on a tree and threw kunai at it. I only had five, because that’s all I could carry. 
I felt a heartbeat near me. It sounded like Uchiha's. Maybe I can tell him he's not alone. The heartbeat was in a tree, five yards away from me. I smiles and closed my eyes. I walked to my left three steps and then walked forward four long steps. I stuck out a hand and when I felt the tree I opened my eyes.
"Uchiha, I know you’re up there." I heard him sigh and jump down.
"Why are you training this early?" He asked me. Curious one, hm?
"Because I don't sleep. No more questions about that. But I have a question for you." His dark eyes signaled for me to go on. I chuckled.
"Why do you think you’re the only Uchiha?" His eyes widened.
"Hn, because everyone else is dead."
"There are two others, besides your brother Itachi."
He went silent and hung his head down. I had a feeling he was starting to lose control over his emotions. But he needed to know, and I was going to tell him the truth.
"Do you wish to know my former name?" He nodded slowly, probably realizing he’s talking to another Uchiha.
"Zaki, June. Now do you wish to know my real name?" He looked at my dark gray eyes, with a tint of red in them. He nodded again.
"Uchiha Hakate, June. I am an Uchiha." His eyes were so widened that you couldn't see any white in them. But mine remained still.
"Are you lying to me?" he asked, not believing me.
"Why would I lie?" He shrugged his shoulders."Now, do you want to train with me? I'll show you a jutsu." I smiled a bit at him.
"Now listen carefully. This jutsu is my sole original technique, originally formed for the use of assassination. The user gathers such a large concentration of chakra in the hand, that it becomes visible. Pushing the limits of the body, the user charges forward, the chakra amount growing, as does the incredible speed. The chakra becomes so powerful, that it becomes similar to a blade, and is able to cut through near anything. The attack creates a constant 'chi' noise, sounding like a thousand birds advancing towards you. The jutsu gained its name from this sound. This jutsu gained the nickname 'Lightning Edge' or, Raikiri - When I cut a bolt of lightning in half using it. I call this Chidori."
He nodded. I preformed it easily. He started to try it and I grabbed his hand and shook my head.
"Not now, you need all of you chakra for later. For now, just try to hit me with some kunai." He got out a kunai and threw it at me, which I easily caught with my finger and tossed it back.
After an hour or so I caught the kunai for the one-hundredth time. He started to pant and so I dropped the kunai on the ground and walked to him.
"You are done. Now go home and get some rest." He was silent for a while but then nodded and staggered east, to his home.
I sighed. Kakashi was doing the bell test on team eight right now- I can hear him explain it. I’m surprised Kakashi was on time to see them, he is always late to everything. I was going to make my team run around the village five times and fifty push-ups for warm-ups in a few hours then take them out for ramen. That can be every day’s lunch, and I can afford it. Then after that Sakura and Naruto are going to spar while I go get Neji to spar with Sasuke.
Neji and Hinata was awake at the moment, training. His fast heartbeat made me notice. So I ran there with my inhuman speed, getting to they're door in a couple of seconds.
I didn't even knock; I just walked around the house to where they usually train. Neji was beating up Hinata... -.-'
I appeared between the two as soon as Neji started doing 64 palms. I grabbed his hands and spun him around, and at the same time I got one of his kunai's and touched his throat. As soon as he calmed down I let go of him and slid the kunai back into his pouch.
"O-oh, h-hi Zaki-Sensei." Hinata stuttered and waved to me.
"How did you get to us so fast Zaki-Sensei??" Neji yelled. I sweat dropped. I guess he wasn't as calm as I thought. I trained both of them before they entered the ninja academy. I taught them a lot compared to Hiashi.
"The reason is because I have mad ninja skills Neji. Now, can you spar with Sasuke in a little while?" He nodded and sighed.
"I could have hurt you. Don't get in front of me again." I laughed and patted his head. He and Hinata were the one who cared for me of this clan.
"You know you can't hurt me. Even once you’re a mighty Jounin you still won't get a scratch." I laughed and he glared at me. "Fine, I'll spar Sasuke, but you owe me."
"Okay, okay. What do you want?" I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"Take me out to the five star restaurant." I sighed."All week." He added. I looked at him and nodded.
"You got yourself a deal."

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