Chapter 25

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I sighed while looking at my book. I was beyond bored. June-chan was on her mission so I couldn't talk to her, and I was too poor to buy a T.V. so I can't watch football. I've already reread my boom about ten times and memorized each and every word. I wish I could get the new one, but they only had one in stock and her stupid roommates- the Akatsuki- bought it before me! The book was maaade for meeeee!

I strode along the trail to Junes house, even if the boys are there, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if another person watched the television with them. At least I hope not because I would just wind up bored again. I knocked on the door 'patiently' (actually I was dying to get inside) and that Hidan guy opened it. He was only in his boxers, which they were black with the Akatsuki cloud pattern.

"Kakashi-san? Damn, I thought you knew June left, you saw her leave." I sweat dropped and nodded.

"I know she left, but I was actually wondering if I could join you to television watching?" I had a pleading look, and if my mask was off they could see my pout in my lips. Hidan sighed and nodded. I inwardly jumped for joy but maintained my uninterested composture. He moved to the side to signal for me to go in, which I did. And what I came into was a disaster.

"W-what did you do to June-chans house??!"


We camped at around three in the morning, then as soon as Naruto and Sakura were awake we started off again. I haven't drank anything yet either. We would probably have to camp again tonight, then by tomorrow we'd see Sasuke. Well at least that is if we keep running this fast. Naruto's determined face and Sakuras worried face said it all.

That they wanted Sasuke alive.

I mentally sighed and jumped to the next tree branch at their pace. Sakura seemed to be at her limit but did not say a word because she saw Naruto. I had to get him to slow down or I had to carry Sakura. I sighed.

"Stop!" I instructed and we all stopped on a tree branch. I turned to Naruto and he wasn't breaking a sweat yet. He must've been training with Gai or something. "I know you're eager so I came up with a solution. Pinky, on my back- now." I kneeled down and she seemed hesitant. "NOW!" I demanded and she scurried onto my back. I shifted her into a good posistion for me to run in and stood back up. "Naruto, you may choose how fast we go." I concluded with an eye-closing smile.

"Hai." He turned on his heels and jumped on the next branch at a much faster pace. If we continued this, I'd either have to carry them both because Naruto collapses or we'd see Sasuke tonight. Yes, we were now going that fast.

"I'm sorry I can't go faster June-sensei." Sakura murmured guiltily and I sweat dropped.

"To be honest, I'm not sure how long Naruto can keep up with this speed. Sure, we get to the destination faster, but the important thing is the fight and if Naruto wants to even step in he'll need all of his energy. I can handle the sight myself but I'm sure you both want to help at least a little. Or that's what I'm guessing." I thought out and she nodded.

"Hai." I smiffed the air and Sasuke seemed to turn sharply to the left. I quickly calculated what to do.

"Naruto, in twenty paces turn to your left at a 70 degree angle." he nodded and soon enough we were twenty paces ahead and curved left. I didn't need to worry about recording what way we went because I can just smell our way back to Konoha. God, I sound like a dog.

Surprisingly, Naruto kept this up for a while. But of course, he had to slow down at some point. He slowed to a stop, heavily panting. I let Sakura off my back. I figured this was the time to make a plan. I sat down and thought it all out.

I need to learn their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. I'll need to back them up when it comes to their weak point. Sakura can't run long and fast while Naruto can. They both seem good in the physical strength category.

"What are you doing June-sensei?" Naruto asked and Sakura thumped him on the forehead.

"Shut up she's thinking our next move. Isn't it obvious?" She whispered.

I'm hungry, I can't concentrate as when when I'm hungry. I reached into my bag and pulled out my first mug. I popped the cap off and slurped it half down and put the top back on.

"Oooh, can I have some??" Naruto begged. I knew he'd ask that. That's why I thought of this brilliant plan!

"What's your least favorite drink Naruto-kun?" I asked with a pleasent smile. He thought about it for a second.

"Grape juice. The purple kind." He insisted and I smirked.

"Well this here is grape juice. The strongest kind and it's the purple color. It's so strong that it turned red." I informed and he anime cried.

"I'm so unlucky." he cried and I sighed, reaching in my bag again. I put back the mug and got out two normal water bottles and handed Naruto and Sakura one. I both greedily gulped it down until it was dry. "I so needed that!" Naruto sighed. I wasn't paying attention though, because I was thinking of our plan.

"We will go in a single file line, me being first and Naruto being last. Sakura is obviously in the middle." Naruto groaned and I raised my eye brow at him.

"How come I have to be last?" He whined and I smirked slightly.

"Because then Sakura won't be left behind if she slows, and I am the one who can track Sasuke down. Besides, if we go at Sakuras pace, the you will have more energy to spare. If we are lucky, we will get to Sasuke tonight." I explained and he humphed and looked to the side. It looks like I triumphed him.

"Now, as I was saying. What are your greatest abilities?" I asked both of them.

"Rasangan!" Naruto cheered and I narrowed my eyes. The fourth, Jiraya, and I are the only ones who who that. Jiraya... you fool.

"I can heal and I have lots of strength." Sakura muttered. I patted her head.

"That ain't that bad Sakura, you can heal Naruto up after you punch him in the face with your super strength!" I pumped my fist in the air but got to thinking again. See, I get distracted without a normal amount of blood.

When I see Sasuke, Sakura you will part from Naruto and I after I give you my signal." I flipped her the bird. "That's all I'm doing, so be prepared. You are to be hiden and go as close as you can undetected. You are to be on my right because I will lure him towards you. Then you are to punch the ground in order to make the rock under him tumble and jump away from your hiding spot to your left and behind Naruto." I thought about it. I knew our next 200 moves, but I wasn't sure if there was any sort of spy within hearing range so I had to be careful on what I say. Then again, those two need to know. I sighed.

"Naruto and myself will do the rest."

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