Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Getting to the forest was easy. Catching a deer, breaking its neck, and sucking its blood dry was easy. Now tracking Hidans scent? That was one really tough sucker! He ought to be on the other side of the world by now! I just started running, at my vampire speed, towards the water country, where their old base used to be. 
I stopped again and fed, getting my senses even higher. And then it hit. Not Hidans scent, but little Nagato’s. That boy was nearby too. I don't know why I couldn't smell him earlier. I shrugged it off and broke off into an even faster run. I stopped suddenly after a few seconds, and watched Nagato from a tree about ten meters away. "Wait... this isn't right. This is Yahiko. That is not him. And he is dead. And yet..." I whispered. I disappeared and took out a kunai at the same time. I reappeared behind this intruder and put my kunai to his throat. He seemed startled but then calmed down.
"June-Sensei that is not a very nice welcome." I glared at this thing and let go of the kunai and spun the intruder around with my force to face me. His voice was an exact replica of Nagatos. "You must be Nagato, but you are Yahiko at the same time. How? Wait." I glared real hard at him. I figured him out; he used his eye power.

"You KNOW that harms you and your chakra when you preform that jutsu!" I lectured. He smiled faintly under his cloak.
"You still care, I can tell June- Sensei." I smiled back and nodded, but then frowned. "I mean what I say; you should have performed the jutsu!" And he just shrugged.
"So are you going to take up the offer? Become an Akatsuki?" I grinned, showing my razor fangs and all of my pearly white other teeth. He knew about me. I nodded, obviously a bit excited. I was never the one to become a bad vampire. I always fought for the good but now that I had the chance to be a ‘villain’ I was excited!
Nagato and I walked through the woods, I slowly taking in the environment until we had hit a clearing of flowers and grass. In the center there was a large tree, and a rock that was bigger than the tree. There were craters all over the field, and a stream to the right that I could see.
"Welcome to the Akatsuki, Sensei. You’re going to have to call me leader, even if you’re older than I. I will be getting you a cloak within the next couple of days, but you will be training the others as I get it made." he informed me. I nodded my head in understanding. But I didn't like what I had to call him.
"Nagato, I will not call you leader; I will call you by your name, your real name. And you don't have to call me sensei. June-San is fine." He sighed to me; I smirked when he nodded slightly. "Alright June... San... I will give you an hour to get your room and meet up with the others. Your room is room 17. I know you like that number, so I thought I'd give it to you." I smiled sweetly and nodded. I feel guilty for betraying the Akatsuki, because I am going to have to kill them all once they get the idea to get Naruto or Gaara. But it was their fault.
We walked in silence to the rock and Nagato put his hand on a lumpy part of the rock. Something within that lump signaled part of the rock to open and we both entered.
It looked much like a normal home from the other world. It gave me chills in my spine. All of the walls were pained a blood red color and there was a ceiling. The floor was made of stained bamboo wood. To the right of us there was a living room with a circle of three black leather couches and a coffee table in the middle of the circle. Red rose paper flowers in a vase were in the middle of the table. The room was big.
Then to the left of us, there was a kitchen with gray granite counter tops, a white fridge and stove, and a sink. The area was large. Me and 'leader- boy' parted and he went down a hall and turned a right, going who knows where. I waved to him before he turned the corner. He smiled back. I went down another hall and looked into the first door i saw; it was a quite large bathroom with a huge Jacuzzi tub and a shower. Then i went farther down the hall to a door with a number 1 on it. I figured it was somebody's room, so I let that one go, and went deeper. There were doors with numbers all the way up to 8. Not mine yet. At the end of the hall though, there was a door with no number on it. I opened it. "Woah... is this guy loaded?" I said out loud to nobody but myself.
It was a lounge room. There was a flat screen TV and a couch. Then behind the couch there was a pool table and to the side of me against the wall there was a stereo. It looked like it was made of gold! There was a bar on the far corner. I gasped when I saw something on the end table next to the couch. I disappeared and went next to the thing and picked it up really fast. It was a picture. A picture of Hidan, Nagato, Deidara, and myself. Everyone was grinning and it seemed like Hidan had been laughing when the picture was taken. 'Good old days' I thought and set it back down. 
I heard someone talking in a deep voice from where the door was at. The heartbeats made me verify who it was. It was Sasori and Deidara. I grinned ear to ear at myself again and in lightning speed, I appeared in front of them. They both jumped but when Dei noticed it was me. He tackled me into a hug. "June!! It's you! It's really you!" He yelled in my ear. I flinched at his loudness and made him let me go. Sasori was smiling, with all of his teeth showing. He was out of his puppet and he wasn't wearing his cloak. But it was over his broad shoulders.
Deidara grabbed my hand and happily skipped me over to one of the leather couches while Sasori rolled his eyes and followed. As you can tell, Deidara loved me in a more than friendly way. He was just like Hidan, but almost worst. Sasori and I were good friends and he never pestered me about me being gorgeous and falling in love and can’t live without me like Deidara and Hidan did. But I knew that he liked me, it’s okay though. 
"Tell us EVERYTHING we missed!" Deidara did an impression of a girl and I laughed.
"Well... I became a sensei and got a team... and I made some friends... and that's about it! Life's slow when you’re a vampire though" They both laughed at my comment and Deidara couldn't stop smiling.

"Will SOMEONE tell me WHY the HELL the door is WIDE open!?!?" I heard a scream. I chuckled but then noticed: the door really was open.

 "Hidan!" I yelled, and then he ran inside and stopped dead in his tracks.

"June! Well shit! You DID take up the millionth offer!" I laughed but then glared at him, which caused a major flinch from the Jashin worshiper.

"Tame your Tongue!" He huffed but then smirked and started screaming the F word. I zipped to him and flipped him over, hanging on his neck and shushed him by putting my finger on his lips. Everyone laughed but Hidan was out of breath- everyone as in, the rest of the Akatsuki, who had been watching for a while and I know that, because blood and heartbeats don't deceive a vampire. Kohan hugged me from behind whispering "June Sensei" I smiled. This was going to be fun.

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