Chapter 22

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only eight more left! I'm personally excited for the last chapter, I think it'll be AWESOME! I'm not sure if there will be a sequel though, I'll have to really think about that -.-'

thinking sucks P:<

Also, this chapter is shorter than I expected it to be, but SOMEBODY wanted me to update on perilous so YEAaah

oh well








I forced myself to get out of bed and get dressed. The boys will be back at some point, and I didn't want them walking in on me. I shuddered at the memory of Hidan walking in on me changing. Kakashi was leaning against the bed frame with his hands behind his neck. His hair was flattened and it looked sort of silly- I got why he always have it sticking up. I put on a black summer dress and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Kaka get up and get dressed." I ordered with a smile on my face. Kakashi groaned but obeyed and got dressed himself. I gave up brushing my hair with my fingers and just tied it up to a sloppy bun. I hadn't noticed but my hair has gotten tons longer, it needed a haircut badly.

I walked down the stairsteps and into the kitchen with Kakashi at my tail. He laced his fingers with mine and I couldn't help but smile. Things were starting to look up now. I was with my love- Hakate Kakashi, the Akatsuki was gone so Naruto was safe, and I was home. Only bad thing is my appitite has gotten pretty big.

I got a water bottle that was filled with blood and a water bottle with water for Kakashi. He didn't care that I drank blood, he knew I needed it. I busted out laughing when Kakashi noticed his hair was messed up.

"June-chan! Do you have any hair gel??" He panicked and I grinned. I pointed to the bathroom that was down the hallway, deciding that I would be nice to him. Kakashi ran into the bathroom and searched the cabinet. I heard three heartbeats outside of the door. The boys were finally back.

I opened the door for them and they all had bags of food in their hands. They all brought the food in and I peeked in the bags at what they got. Hidan had a bag in his hands and was hesitant to put it down. I smirked and stuck my hand in the back and revealed Come Come Paradise Two. All three of the boys bit their lips. An evil black aura swarmed around me and they all took a large step back.

"What's this?" I said sweetly, in an evil kind of way.

Kakashi came back out of the room with his hair back to normal. He pointed at the porno book.

"COME COME PARADISE 2?!?" He screamed and grabbed his hair, hopping up and down in excitement. I stared at him then remembered that he read that stupid series. He reached in his weapons pouch and got out his own book. "I only have the first one..." he said sadly and put the book back.

 I sighed and handed the book back to Hidan, who was smirking widely knowing that he got to keep the book.

"Kakashi do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked with a smile. He smiled back from under his mask and nodded.


I clasped my hands together then realized that the boys didn't know my love.

"Hidan, Kakashi." I poked Hidan and he grumbled but shook his hand. "Sasori." I pointed to the puppet master and they shook eachothers hand. "And Deidei." Kakashi raised his eyebrow and Deidara turned bright pink.

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