Chapter 23

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seven more left!! Btw the next six are just going to be fillers, like the last chapter. Maybe not the next one, maybe. It depends how many votes I get! I think we can do five, that seems fair. This took forrrever to write!! >:O you better love it haha









I smiled at Tsunade through the window. She was out like a rock drooling on her work desk. I sighed and decided not to bother her. I jumped off of the balcony and landed on the ground silently. I wandered around the village with nothing to do. Kakashi was still at his mission and won't be back until tomorrow. The boys are watching T.V.... lazy bums, I know what I'm going to do.

I disappeared and poofed next the the boys and stodd in front of the T.V. with my arms crossed, a frown resting on my lips.

"HEY! Get the hell out of the way woman!" Hidan yelled and leaned over Deidara to get a better look at the show that they were watching. Football. I shook my head no and reached behind the television, jerking out the plugin. I never ever watch the T.V., nor do I play with any other electronic things. The newest thing they've come out with is the black and white television. It's funny. I think what's happened is that they invented the television and forgotten about it and invented it again in the 1900's. Stupid people, I was done with lazy boys who can train and travel with me for fun. I picked up the bulky television easily while ignoring the protests from the three other boys. I walked outside with the guys trailing behind me panicing. With one swift motion, I threw the T.V. against a tree about fifteen meters away. I ignored the boys groans and yells and turned around to face them.

"Now, you three are either going to scrub my entire house clean or do something entertaining outside with me." I gave them the choices so that they could choose to do something with me. Deidara skipped up to me with a fake smile.

"Let's have some fun un!" he happily cried and I grinned amused. Sasori knocked him on the head and I glowered at him.

"Why did you hit my poor Deidei?" I growled and he shrank away in a random corner I've never seen before, picking at the grass like he was in trouble. I smirked at him and patted his head like a puppy.

"Sorry June-chan..." he whispered and I laughed.

"Let's do some gymnastics!" I grinned at them when they anime fell. I tucked my shirt into my shorts so it wouldn't fall and I did a perfect cartwheel. Hidan smirked and did a few front flips and landed on his hands, walking around in circles while having his legs fly around so he had balance. We all laughed when he lost balance, he fell and his face landed in mud- or so I thought it was mud.

"EW! Dog shit!" he screamed and spit out some. We all laughed harder and I did a water dragon jutsu, directing the dragon right at Hidans face. He was blasted with water and flew backwards with the dragon.

"Don't you think that was a little bit too intense for helping him clean off his face?" Sasori asked through his fits of giggles. I smirked.

"Who said I was helping him clean his face?" we all laughed some more. Hidan being a party pooper screamed at me and stomped back in the house.

"I said I was sorry~!" I yelled at him and Deidara smiled.

"But did you mean it un?" I grinned.

"Not at all." I heard Hidan from upstairs in his room start shouting random cuss words at me. Bad ones might I add.

"Well." I start shouting, "Sasori, Deidei, let's go to that five star beef restraunt I saw!" Hidans absolute favorite food is beef. He would kill for it, in fact, I think he has killed for beef before. I grinned when I heard him race down the stairs after hearing me. I laughed and shook my head. Deidara and Sasori didn't understand why I was laughing because they couldn't hear because of their human ears. So I just pointed to the door and waited about two seconds.

"Don't you dare go without me!" he screamed at me and I only grinned. I used my vampric speed to go back inside to get some money and ran back out to see the boys looking to where I went. I ended up by the trail and whistled to get their attention- which worked by the way. They jogged over to me, Hidan jumping for joy for beef and the others snickering at him. Little did he know, when I sprayed him with the water dragon, the 'mud' just dripped and stayed on his shirt. Poor guy.

 At least he gets to pig out on the thing he loves.


I miss my Kakashi already.

Am I too clingy? 

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