Chapter 7 (filler chapter)

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Okay, this is just a short filler chapter 'cos I like writing people who are drunk xD

(Alice’s POV: )

I helped a stumbling, incoherently slurring John up the stairs and onto the pavement.

“And he’s a fan 'cos he reads the blog! And then I got a pint! And Alice was tinie-winie Sherly and she saw people!” He rambled, clinging on my coat lapel for balance. I had a heavy buzz but I wasn’t close to being as plastered as John was. I laughed with him as to not get him upset and tried to hail a cab. People were beginning to glare at the now shouting Doctor Watson.

“Sorry! Sorry everyone... he’s had a pint too many...” I apologized. John snapped his head up to face me and began giggling.

“John, come on. Get yourself together!” I said sternly. He mock pouted and giggled again. I sighed and saw a cabbie across the street. I hauled him across and leaned him against the side as I knocked on the window. It rolled down.

“Hey, terribly sorry, but my friend here is plastered and I got a bit of a buzz and can’t find a cabby and I need to get home.” I requested, putting on my I’m-not-a-horribly-mad-stalker-murderer-face. He glanced at John unknowingly.

“It’ll cost ya.” He warned.

“Money’s no object.” I begged. He shrugged and unlocked the doors. I grinned and shoved John in. He giggled again, snorting several times.

“The squiggles were numbers, then words! And then the tea clay and pills... And...” He trailed off. “ALICE!!” He screamed. “The cabby! He’s gonna shove pills in you with a lighter gun!!! RUN!!” He screamed, shoving me into the door.

“John! JOHN! No... Calm down or I’ll have to knock you out!” I warned, pushing against him. He stopped and eyed the cabby for the whole ride. He actually looked quite comical. The cab pulled up and I gave the cabby the 50% tip and struggled again to get John out. His rambling had stopped and he was in a paralyzed-like state. I lugged John to the foot of the stairs and heard Sherlocks bl**dy violin playing.

“Sherlock!! Get your arse down here and help me with John!!” I shouted.

“Shut the bl**dy h*ll up!” John moaned. Sherlock came down the stairs, unhappy. I rolled my eyes and gestured to John, annoyed. Sherlock grabbed John under his shoulders and I grabbed his ankles. He protested loudly as we carried him up precariously. By the time we flung him on the couch, he had passed out. I groaned and glared at him. We had had a good time but he was a little pain in the arse when he had too many pints. Sherlock laughed beside me. I shot him a look.

“I’m leaving now.” I said angrily. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in.

“You aren’t boring.” He said. My eyes widened.

“'Scuse me?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. He saw that I was uncomfortable and let go of my wrist. I took a couple steps back.

“You aren’t boring. John is. Nothing ever happens to him. I want you to come back when I get a case.” He explained. I rubbed my face and sighed.

“I don’t know, Sherlock. I-I enjoy it but I don’t want to go looking for it...” I argued. He gave me the saddest, most pitiful look I had ever seen. He looked like a puppy that you had teased with a biscuit and not given to him. “I know you’re acting. It may work on John, but not me. No.” I said, not being able to look away. I turned to leave and when I was at the door he simply said,

“I’ll text you.” I was angry because I would come, and he knew it.

Gotta love drunk people :)

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