Chapter 80

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(Alice’s POV: )


A minute or two later, the Chief Superintendent walked out onto the street holding a handkerchief to his bleeding nose.

“Are you all right, sir?” Some officer asked. A bit away, Sherlock had been leaned against the side of a police car, facing it. Now John was slammed up against the car next to him and to his left, and me to his right. Sherlock looked across to John with an amused expression on his face.

“Joining me?” He asked sarcastically.

“Yeah,” I answered, chuckling.

“Apparently it’s against the law to chin the Chief Superintendent,” John continued. “And to punch a police officer,” He added, looking pointedly at me, who shrugged. Behind us, a couple of armed officers unlocked the cuff on Sherlock’s right hand and transferred it to John’s right wrist, chaining the boys together. They hooked me to his other wrist.

Sherlock looked over his shoulder, watching what the officers were doing and where they were standing.

“Hmm. Bit awkward, this,” Sherlock said to John.

“Huh. No-one to bail us,” John replied. I pursed my lips. My family could. Perhaps he had forgotten.

“I was thinking more about our imminent and daring escape,” Sherlock answered as he looked down at the radio lying on the dashboard of the car we were leaning against. The radio squealed as the dispatcher spoke.

“All units to two-seven,” The dispatcher ordered. John looked round at Sherlock’s previous statement as I began picking the lock on Sherlock and I’s cuff.

“What?” He asked sceptically.

“All units to two...” Rapidly Sherlock reached through the open window of the car with his hand that was still attached to me (yanking me around quite violently) and pressed down on the talk button. Instantly the officer behind us doubled over in pain and grabbed at his earpiece as a high-pitched squeal of feedback ripped through it. Sherlock reached behind him and pulled the officer’s pistol free, instantly raising it. As it was in his left hand, John’s shackled right hand was yanked upwards as well and he gasped in surprise at the rapid turn of events. Sherlock called out as he aimed the pistol towards the nearest officers. I was still trying to pick the lock, but was failing miserably.

“Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?” Sherlock shouted. Nearby, Lestrade whole body language was just screaming the face that he was freaking out. When nobody reacted very quickly, Sherlock raised the gun skywards and fired it twice.

Now would be good!” I added for him. He lowered it and pointed it at the police again.

“Do as he says!” Lestrade commanded. He gestured everybody downwards and all the police started to kneel. We started to back away.

“Just-just so you’re aware, the gun is his idea. I’m just a... you know...” John stammered. I rolled my eyes. Sherlock transferred the pistol to his right hand and promptly aimed it at John’s head, my wrist being dragged along with it. I groaned.

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