Chapter 37

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(Alice’s POV: )

 The door burst open and the leader of the group came in and aims his pistol at Sherlock. I stood up straight and unfolded my arms, looking angrily at Irene.

 “Hands behind your head.” The leader commanded. Then, to Irene, “On the floor. Keep it still.” My glare moved from her to the leader. A second man went over to Irene and walked her nearer to John, who was being bundled in by a third man. The leader was watching Sherlock and me intensely. I scowled, not moving my body but my head quite a bit.

 “Sorry, Sherlock.” John apologized. As Sherlock raised his hands, the leader looked round at Irene.

 “Ms. Adler, on the floor.” He repeated. His colleague shoved her to her knees beside John, who has also been pushed to his knees and was doubled over with his hands behind his head and a pistol pointed to the back of his neck.

 “Don’t you want us on the floor too?” I asked.

 “No, ma’am, I want you to open the safe.” He answered. I tilted my head to the side.

 “Are both of us required?” I asked.

“Mr. Holmes works best with you.” He explained. I raised an eyebrow.

 “American. Interesting. Why would you care?” Sherlock asked, noting the accent. He glanced across at Irene as she put her hands behind her head.

 “Sir, the safe, now, please.” The leader asked politely.

 “I don’t know the code.” Sherlock said patiently.

 “We’ve been listening. She said she told you.” He argued.

 “Well, if you’d been listening, you’d know she didn’t.” I said snappily.

 “I’m assuming I missed something. From your reputation, I’m assuming you didn’t, Mr. Holmes.” The leader said.

 “For g*d’s sake. She’s the one who knows the code. Ask her.” John complained, looking at Irene.

 “Yes, sir. She also knows the code that automatically calls the police and sets off the burglar alarm. I’ve learned not to trust this woman.” The leader argued.

 “That’s a good point, actually.” I said honestly. John gave me a ‘not now’ look.

 “Mr. Holmes or Miss White doesn’t-” Irene began.

 “Shut up. One more word out of you – just one – and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head. That, for me, will not be a hardship.” The leader interrupted. I raised an eyebrow and Sherlock glared at his ferociously.  “Mr. Archer. At the count of three, shoot Doctor Watson.” He threatened, looking Sherlock directly in the eyes. My eyes widened.

 “What?” John asked, still calm.

 “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.” I said severely.

 “I don’t have the code.” Sherlock said, as calm as John had been. John cowered down as Archer pressed the muzzle of his pistol into the back of his neck and cocked the gun.

 “One.” Nelson began. I struggled to stay in place and my head was filled with numbers and possibilities.

 “I don’t know the code.” Sherlock said empathetically.


 “She didn’t tell me.” Sherlock insisted. “I don’t know it!” He shouted.

 “I’m prepared to believe you any second now.” The leader offered. Sherlock looked across to Irene, who lowered her gaze pointedly downwards. My eyes narrowed. “Three.”

 “No, stop!” Sherlock and I said stop at the same time, but me much louder than he. The leader held up his free hand to stop Archer. John closed his eyes. Sherlock’s gaze became distant as his mind worked frantically, and then he slowly turned towards the safe and lowered his hands. I walked to his side, my mind racing and narrowing down possibilities. It was down to 4. As the leader watched us closely, Sherlock slowly reached out a finger towards the keypad and punched the ‘3’ and then the ‘2’. I realized what he was doing and broke out into a smile. I turned around, relaxed and smiled at the two people at gunpoint. Hesitating for a moment, he then punched ‘2’ and ‘4’. Pausing again, he hit ‘3’ and ‘4’. The safe beeped and noisily unlocked. Irene smiled in satisfaction as Sherlock sighed and closed his eyes briefly. John sagged lower on his knees and shut his own eyes. I walked next to him, not one of the men daring to even threaten me.

 “Thank you, Mr. Holmes. Open it, please.” The leader thanked. Twisting the button that would open the door, Sherlock looked across to Irene again who lowered her gaze to the floor and made a tiny jerk with her head. He turned back to the safe and I put a hand on John’s back.

 “Vatican cameos.” Sherlock said urgently. Instantly John and I threw ourselves to the floor. At the same moment Sherlock pulled open the door of the safe while ducking down below the fireplace. Inside the safe, a tripwire attached to the door tugged on the trigger of a pistol with a long and over-compensatory silencer, which was aimed straight out of the safe. The gun fired and Archer – who happened to be standing directly in front of it – was shot in the chest. Sherlock grabbed for the leaders pistol as Irene spun around on her knees and savagely elbowed her guard in the groin. Pulling the pistol from the leaders grip, Sherlock held the silencer end and smashed the butt across his face and he dropped to the floor unconscious. As Irene’s guard crumpled under her blow, she grappled for his pistol and was on her feet and aiming it down at him while he was still falling. Sherlock turned to her.

 “D’you mind?” he asked.

 “Not at all.” Irene said politely. As her guard tried to get up again, she slammed the gun across his face and knocked him unconscious. While she was distracted, Sherlock reached into the safe and took something out of it. Nearby, John had checked Archer over and now stood up. I had stood up as soon as the pistol had fired and just stood, watching in amusement as the fight commenced. I didn’t feel the need to help.

 “He’s dead.” John confirmed.

 “Thank you. You were very observant.” Irene said to Sherlock as she continued aiming her pistol down at her guard and ignoring John.

 “Observant?” John asked, thinking she was talking to him.

 “I’m flattered.” Irene added.

 “Don’t be.” Sherlock said dryly.

 “Flattered?” John asked, confused.

 “You don’t want to know... not really.” I whispered to him.

 “There’ll be more of them. They’ll be keeping an eye on the building.” Sherlock informed, still holding Neilson’s pistol but having removed the silencer, he hurried out of the room as John tucked Archer’s gun into the back of his jeans and followed him.

Two chapter update again cos I get bored! =) Enjoy, vote, comment, fun peoples!! =D

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