Chapter 25 and 26 (summer break special)

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(John’s POV: )

Shortly afterwards we were walking down a street. Alice walked on my right instead of my left, away from Sherlock. That seemed curious to me but again, I told myself I would question her later.

“The missile defence plans haven’t left the country, otherwise Mycroft’s people would have heard about it. Despite what people think, we do still have a Secret Service.” Sherlock said.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve met them.” I said, hoping to get a smile from Alice. She didn’t even acknowledge my comment.

“This means whoever stole the memory stick can’t sell it or doesn’t know what to do with it. My money’s on the latter. We’re here.” Sherlock explained.

“Where?” I asked, looking around. Sherlock turned into the drive of a maisonette and trotted up the steps at the side of the building which lead to the front door of flat 21A on the first floor. As he rummaged in his pocket, I whispered to him urgently.

“Sherlock! What if there’s someone in?” I demanded. Alice looked sheepish as Sherlock began to pick the lock. Sherlock gave her a knowing smirk.

“There isn’t.” He told me. He finished picking the lock and went inside, Alice following close behind.

“J*sus!” I exclaimed softly. I hurried inside and shut the door. Sherlock trotted up the short flight of stairs ahead of him and walked into the living room. “Where are we?” I asked.

“Oh, sorry, didn’t I say? Joe Harrison’s flat.” Sherlock told me, not even looking.

“Joe...?” I asked quietly, immediately thinking of Lucy’s brother. Sherlock went straight over to the window and pulled back the net curtain. He grinned in satisfaction at the sight which greeted him outside. Alice was bent down next to him.

“You can hack and steal but you can’t pick a lock?” Sherlock whispered, looking directly at Alice, amused. I had a feeling I wasn’t meant to hear that, so I looked away.

“Shut up! I was too busy.” She complained, still whispering. Sherlock gave her a sarcastic look.

“Brother of West’s fiancée.” Sherlock said in his usual tone. Outside the window was a one-storey extension, the roof of which could be easily climbed onto from the window. The extension spread all the way to the bottom of the garden which ended in a wall, and directly on the other side of the wall was the railway line. “He stole the memory stick; killed his prospective brother-in-law.” Sherlock continued, dropping to his knees. He pulled out his magnifier and ran it slowly along the edge of the window sill. I walked across to him and peered over his shoulder as he found some tiny blood-red spots on the paint.

“Then why’d he do it?” I asked, straightening up. I turned as someone was unlocking the front door. Sherlock and Alice also immediately stood up.

“Let’s ask him.” Sherlock said, somewhat eagerly. Alice stood slightly behind Sherlock, looking like she was ready to pounce. Reaching round to the back of my jeans, I walked quietly to the door of the living room as the front door slammed. I stepped out onto the landing just as Joe, wearing his courier gear, was leaning his bicycle against the wall. When he saw me he picked up the bike as if he intended to use it as a weapon or simply to throw it at me. I instantly raised my right hand and pointed my pistol at him. Alice had done the same as me, and I thought back to her confession about her injury and military service.

“Don’t.” I warned sternly. Joe kept coming but I shook my head. “Don’t.” I repeated. Joe stopped and lowered the bike, sighing in a mixture of frustration and fear.

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