Chapter 79

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(SCOTLAND YARD, Third-Person POV: )

Greg was sitting in front of the desk of the Chief Superintendent while Donovan and Anderson stood nearby. The Chief walked around his desk to sit down behind it.

“Sherlock Holmes?” The Chief asked.

“Yes, sir,” Lestrade said respectfully.

“That bloke that’s been in the press,” The Chief continued.

“Mmm-hmm,” Lestrade hummed.

“I thought he was some sort of private eye,” The Chief said curiously.

“He is,” Lestrade confirmed.

“We’ve been consulting with him – that’s what you’re... you’re telling me?” The Chief asked, beginning to get angry. Lestrade nodded.

“Not used him on any proper cases, though, have we?” He questioned.

“Well, one or two,” the DI lied. Anderson, his arms folded and looking down at his feet, snorted quietly.

“Or twenty or thirty,” He said quietly, clearly amused.

“What?” The Chief snapped.

“Look, I’m not the only senior officer who did this. Gregson...” Lestrade began.

“Shut up! An amateur detective given access to all sorts of classified information, and now he’s a suspect in a case!” The Chief interrupted, his Scottish accent becoming more defined.

“With all due respect, sir...” Lestrade began again.

“You’re a bloody idiot, Lestrade! Now go and fetch him in right now!” The Chief interrupted again. Lestrade hesitated.

“Do it,” The Chief ordered sternly. Lestrade stood up and the three of them left the room. The Chief Superintendent took his glasses off and buried his head in his hand. Outside the others were on their way across the main office.

“Are you proud of yourselves?” Lestrade demanded angrily.

“Well, what if it’s not just this case? What if he’s done this to us every single time?” Anderson tested smugly. Sally grabbed her coat from the coat stand as she went past. Anderson apparently didn’t need one, being a cold-blooded reptile who wouldn’t feel the temperature drop outside. Lestrade stopped for his own coat, then took his phone out and started dialling. Hanging back from the other two, he raised the phone to his ear.

Shortly afterwards, John – standing in the centre of the living room at 221B – lowers his own phone from his ear and switched it off. He turned to Sherlock, who was now sitting in his armchair with Alice leaning against his legs on the floor.

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