Chapter 24

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(NEW SCOTLAND YARD, Still Alice’s Point Of View: )

Sherlock and Miss Wenceslas were sitting side by side in front of Lestrade’s desk while the inspector sat in a chair to the side of the desk. Sherlock had his hands in the prayer position under his chin. John was sitting beside me on the far wall facing Sherlock, wrapping gauze around my palms. My fingernails had dug into the skin and my shaking broke the skin. I was bleeding very badly before we even left the gallery. I sheepishly sat in silence and listened to the conversation.

“You know, it’s interesting. Bohemian stationery, an assassin named after a Prague legend, and you, Miss Wenceslas. This whole case has a distinctly Czech feeling about it. Is that where this leads?” Sherlock said, talking to the gallery director. She looked down and didn’t answer. “What are we looking at, Inspector?” Sherlock asked, talking very nonchalantly and feeling very pleased with himself.

“Well, um, criminal conspiracy, fraud, accessory after the fact at the very least. The murder of the old woman, all the people in the flats...” Lestrade said thoughtfully.

“I didn’t know anything about that! All those things! Please believe me.” Miss Wenceslas said, panicked, to Lestrade. As she continued to stare at Lestrade, Sherlock gave him a tiny nod to confirm that she was telling the truth. “I just wanted my share – the thirty million.” She explained. She looked across to Sherlock, then sighed and lowered her head again. John had finished my hands and I thanked him silently. I  brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, locking my fingers. I closed my eyes and listened. “I found a little old man in Argentina. Genius. I mean, really: brushwork immaculate, could fool anyone.”

“Hmm!” Sherlock hummed sarcastically.

“Well, nearly anyone. “ She said, looking at Sherlock. She turned back to Lestrade. “But I didn’t know how to go about convincing the world the picture was genuine. It was just an idea – a spark which he blew into a flame.”

“Who?” Sherlock asked sharply.

“I don’t know.” Miss Wenceslas said, shaking her head. Lestrade gave a disbelieving laugh. “It’s true! I mean, it took a long time, but eventually I was put in touch with people... His people.” Sherlock began to slowly sit up in his chair, his expression becoming more concentrated. “Well, there was never any real contact; just messages... Whispers.” Sherlock leaned closer to her, his face intense.

“And did those whispers have a name?” He demanded. She gazed ahead of herself for a moment, and then looked across to Lestrade before nodding. She turned her head to Sherlock.

“Moriarty.” She said simply. My eyes opened. She didn’t say the name in any particular way, but it had an ominous effect on all the people in the room... Including me. Slowly Sherlock sunk back in his chair. As Miss Wenceslas looked anxiously at Lestrade again, Sherlock gazed into the distance, his eyes full of thought. Eventually he raised his hands into the prayer position in front of his mouth, then grinned.

(BATTERSEA, John’s [finally someone else!] POV: )

Wearing a high-vis jacket over my coat, I was walking along the railway lines with the Tube guard who found Andrew West’s body.

“So this is where West was found?” I asked, pointing to the tracks.

“Yeah.” The guard said unhappily.

“Uh-huh.” I replied, inspecting them.

“You gonna be long?” He asked.

“I might be.” I shrugged, unsure.

“You with the police, then?” He questioned.

“Sort of.” I replied. I disliked it when people asked that. I pulled out my notebook.

“I hate ’em.” He added.

“The police?” I asked, looking up from my writings.

“No. Jumpers.” He clarified. I looked at him, confused and a bit offended.

Be careful, there, son. You don’t insult jumpers in John Watson’s presence.

“People who chuck themselves in front of trains. Selfish b*stard.” He said further. I was relieved in a strange way.

“Well, that’s one way of looking at it.” I said. I squatted down to look more closely at the railway track.

“I mean it. It’s all right for them. It’s over in a split second – strawberry jam all over the lines. What about the drivers, hmm? They’ve gotta live with it, haven’t they?” He said spitefully. I ran my fingers along the track, and then lifted my hand to look at it.

“Yeah, speaking of strawberry jam, there’s no blood on the line.” I stood up again. “Has it been cleaned off?” I replied.

“No, there wasn’t that much.” He shrugged.

“You said his head was smashed in.” I asked, shaking my head the tiniest bit.

“Well, it was, but there wasn’t much blood.” He said, not really wanting to go further.

“Okay.” I said, turning to the lines and looking at them thoughtfully.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then.” He said. I walked a few yards further down the line and squatted down again, sort of ignoring the man. “Just give us a shout when you’re off.” He instructed.

“Right.” I nodded. He walked away. I stood up and talked to myself.

“Right: so, uh, Andrew West got on the train somewhere – or did he? There’s no ticket on the body. Then how did he end up here?” Beside me, the points changed and one of the tracks slid sideways into a new layout. I squatted down again.

“Points.” Sherlock said behind me.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, springing to my feet and turning to see my flatmate and Alice standing nearby.

“Knew you’d get there eventually. West wasn’t killed here; that’s why there was so little blood.” Sherlock explained. I gave Alice a thankful glance, but she was just staring at the ground, frowning and rigid. I looked away, deciding to ask her later.

“How long have you been following me?” I asked them.

“Since the start. You don’t think I’d give up on a case like this just to spite my brother, do you?” Sherlock answered. He turned and began walking away. Alice stayed where she was, glancing up at Sherlock then me. “Come on. Got a bit of burglary to do.” Sherlock said. Alice managed a smirk and waited for me to begin walking.

Okay, it has been at least 48 hours so I post! *poof* Enjoy, vote, comment, even if it's bad! I very much would like *cough*need*cough* feedback! Thank you fun peoples!! =)

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