Chapter 18

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(Alice’s POV: )

Sometime later, Kenny was primping in front of the mirror near the fireplace when Sherlock and I entered. John put down his teacup.

“That’ll be him.” John announced, setting down his teacup.

“What?” Kenny asked. Raoul shows us into the room. Sherlock had a large bag over his shoulder and I was carrying a long narrow case which was designed to hold a photographic tripod. We walked over to Kenny.

“Ah, Mr. Prince, isn’t it?” I asked, speaking much more happily than was necessary.

“Yes.” Kenny said, a bit surprised.

“Very good to meet you.” Sherlock said, with a bit of a gay tone. I smiled at him. He continued smiling at me but his eyes were glaring.

“Yes; thank you.” Kenny said, shaking our hands. Sherlock looked closely at the large man as he shook.

“So sorry to hear about...” I trailed off.

“Yes, yes, very kind.” Kenny said.

“Shall we, er...” John said from behind us. We walked over to the sofa, me putting the case down and Sherlock staring to rummage through his bag. Kenny turned back to the mirror and fiddles with his hair again.

“You were right. The bacteria got into her another way.” John whispered to us.

“Oh yes?” Sherlock asked, smirking.

“Yes.” John told him, very proud of himself, clearly.

“Right. We all set?” Kenny asked, turning toward them.

“Um, yes.” John answered, looking at Sherlock and I, who had taken cameras and flashguns out of Sherlock’s bag. John jerked his head towards Kenny.

“Can you...?” John asked. Kenny leaned one arm on the mantelpiece and posed. Sherlock and I walked over and we took countless photographs of him.

“Not too close. I’m raw from crying.” Kenny commanded. The cat meowed at Sherlock’s feet. I looked down.

“Oh, who’s this?” I asked, feigning fondness.

“Sekhmet. Named after the Egyptian goddess.” Kenny replied proudly.

“How nice! Was she Connie’s?” Sherlock asked.

“Yes.” Kenny said. John reached down towards the cat but Kenny beat him to it, and picked the cat up. “Little present from yours truly.” Kenny said. Frustrated, John straightened and looked at Sherlock and I.

“Sherlock? Uh, light reading?”  He asked.

“Oh, um...” I mumbled. Sherlock lifted a second flashgun, which he was holding in his other hand, and held it toward Kenny and firing it straight into his face, and signaled for me to do the same.

“Two point eight.” Sherlock announced, looking around the cameras at the squinting Kenny.

“bl**dy h*ll. What do you think you’re playing at?!” Kenny shouted, covering his eyes from the light. John immediately reached out and rubbed his fingers over one of the cat’s front paws. Sherlock and I kept firing the flashguns to keep Kenny’s eyes closed.

“Sorry.” I winced. John lifted his fingers away and sniffed them as we continued to fire the flashgun.

“You’re like Laurel and bloody Hardy, you two. What’s going on?” Kenny asked, still covering his eyes.

“Actually, I think we’ve got what we came for. Excuse us.” John said feeling quite satisfied with his chance to be clever and help significantly with a case.

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