Chapter 47

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(Alice’s POV: )

Sometime later Irene had changed into one of Sherlock’s dressing gowns and was sitting in his chair in the living room. The boys were sitting at the table looking at her. I was in John’s chair, looking bitterly at the woman in my usual spot.

 “So who’s after you?” Sherlock asked.

 “People who want to kill me.” Irene answered.

 “Who’s that?” I asked bitterly, hoping I could contact them and give her to them. I crossed my arms childishly.

 “Killers.” She said, looking smugly and directly at me. I scowled.

 “It would help if you were a tiny bit more specific.” John said sarcastically.

 “So you faked your own death in order to get ahead of them.” Sherlock clarified.

 “It worked for a while.” Irene said.

 “Except you let John know that you were alive, and therefore us.” Sherlock reminded.

 “I already knew, Sherlock.” I said, raising my hand a bit. He looked at me and gave me a, ‘later’ look.

 “I knew you’d keep my secret.” Irene said, looking at both Sherlock and I.

 “You couldn’t.” Sherlock said.

 “But you did, didn’t you? Where’s my camera phone?” Irene tested.

 “It’s not here. We’re not stupid.” John put in.

 “Then what have you done with it? If they’ve guessed you’ve got it, they’ll be watching you.” Irene warned.

 “If they’ve been watching me, they’ll know that I took a safety deposit box at a bank on the Strand a few months ago.” Sherlock reasoned.

 “I need it.” She said, sounding urgent.

 “Well, we can’t just go and get it, can we?” John asked. He looked round to Sherlock, inspired. “Molly Hooper. She could collect it, take it to Bart’s; then one of your homeless network could bring it here, leave it in the café, and one of the boys downstairs could bring it up the back.” John suggested.

 “Very good, John. Excellent plan, with intelligent precautions.” Sherlock congratulated. I looked at my lap to hide my smile.

 “Thank you.” John replied, picking up his mobile. “So, why don’t...” He saw Sherlock take the camera phone out of his jacket pocket and hold it up. “Oh, for...” John trailed, looking very disappointed. I smiled quickly and looked back at Sherlock. He looked at the phone closely as Irene stood up.

 “So what do you keep on here – in general, I mean?” Sherlock asked.

 “Pictures, information, anything I might find useful.” Irene answered, looking rather desperately at the mobile.

 “What, for blackmail?” John asked.

 “For protection. I make my way in the world; I misbehave. I like to know people will be on my side exactly when I need them to be.” Irene replied simply. My mobile vibrated a text alert. Sherlock ignored it and the continued their conversation as I pulled my phone out.

 “So how do you acquire this information?” Sherlock asked. I looked at the sender; it was an unavailable number. I narrowed my eyes.

 “I told you – I misbehave.” Irene repeated. I read the message.

 “I saw you today. I can’t wait to talk to you.” It read. No signature, no calling card. I put my mobile away, ignoring the strange message.

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