Chapter 52(filler chapter)

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(Third person POV: )

 Two months earlier in Karachi. It is night time and there is background noise of male voices shouting in a foreign language. Shaky camera footage eventually resolves into clearer resolution, revealing Irene kneeling on the ground in front of a military vehicle. She is dressed in black robes, her hair covered by a black headscarf, and is typing one-handed onto her phone. Standing to her right is a man holding a rifle with one hand while he repeatedly gestures for her phone with the other. She ignores him, refusing to hand it over until she has finished her message, which reads:

 ‘Goodbye Mr Holmes’. She presses Send and then gives the phone to the man. To her left, a second man walks over and raises a machete above her head, bringing it slowly down towards the back of her neck as he checks that his aim will be correct. Irene stares ahead of herself, fighting her tears, then the screen fades to black as she slowly closes her eyes. A couple of seconds later, an orgasmic female sigh fills the air. Irene’s eyes snap open and fill with hope as she turns her head to look at her executioner. His face is completely shrouded apart from his eyes, but a very recognisable blue-grey gaze meets her own.

 “When I say run, run!” Sherlock says quietly. She turns her head to the front again as Sherlock pulls the machete back as if he’s about to strike the death blow, then he spins and begins to strike out at the nearby militia. Irene stares ahead of herself, her eyes wide with disbelief that she is going to live. Slowly she begins to smile.

 In London in the present, Sherlock smiled at the memory, then chuckled to himself as he took Irene’s camera phone from his pocket. Tossing it into the air and catching it again, he looked at it for a couple of seconds. I looked up from my now-won chess game.

 “The Woman.” He said fondly. Opening the top drawer of a nearby cabinet, he put the phone into it and was about to withdraw his hand when he paused, then put his fingers onto the phone again and looked at it thoughtfully. “The Woman.” He repeated. He lifted his head and gazed out at the rainy city for a while, then turned and walked away.

 END (of A Scandal in Belgravia)

So that's the end, but I have some extra fluffy chapters that I will post. But last time I did the vote, I shouldn't have added the Baskerville question. But this time, I will do it correctly. So, just put in the comments wether or not I should do it. If I don't I'll skip right to the Fall. So enjoy, vote, and comment, fun peoples! =)

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