chapter 9

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The class ended as I heading to my 2nd period of the day which was P.E with Avery, Mason, and Jacob.

When I arrived at the P.E building putting my bag away and changing into my p.e. clothing, our teacher Mr. Griffith had greeted us and announced that today was a free day so we were able to do whatever we want as long as it was active. Avery, Mason, Jacob, and I had decided to just play volleyball so Avery grabbed a ball as we headed out to the far left corner of the field.

"So guess what happened today." I told them tossing the ball up in the air and spiking it.

"What?" Avery asked.

"I think Lukes mad at me or ignoring me." I said and the ball I spiked went straight down to Avery.

"What? Why?" She I asked. I just shrugged. Maybe I was overreacting. Hopefully.



"hey." I said sitting down at our usual lunch table. Today wasn't exactly the best day for me. After p.e., I had another 2 classes with Luke in which he had ignored me again. What could I have done?

"Hey, any luck with Luke yet?" Kayden asked me as I sat down. I shook my head looking down.

"No" I sighed "I'm gonna try and talk to him after school." I said and they nodded.

*After School*

The bell rung and I was just going to walk home today since Avery was my ride and she needed to get Aiden home before football practice. I just hoped it wasn't going to rain because the weather hasn't looking too great lately.

I walked out to the front looking around for Lukes car where I found it shiny as ever sitting at a parking stall. Luke had a silver sports car which was absolutely beautiful. I looked over at the main entrance to see the tall boy with the blond hair.

"Luke!" I called out waving him over. He looked over at me and confusion washed over his face before his eyes went wide as he made his way over to me. He looked irritated of me? What did I do?

"Oh uhm, hey Madison." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey Luke, have you been uhm ignoring me?" I said. He looked at me before the irritation look came over his face again.

"What are you talking about?" He said.

"You haven't even said hi to me all day." I answered looking down ashamed. Maybe it wasn't on purpose. I was just embarrassing myself now.

"Well Im sorry? I have a life too you know Madison" He told me sassily.

"I-I know I'm sorry I have to go." I said walking away. The walk was about 20 minutes to home from school. I heard him sigh as I walked faster. I felt a slight drizzle fall onto my shoulders and just my luck, it started pouring out of nowhere.

I still had a long way to walk as I was only a couple minutes out of schools reach. And as if my luck couldn't get any worst, this dumb crack in the sidewalk decided to get in my way which caused me to trip landing on my hand and knees. I groaned in pain looking at my now cut up knee with blood dripping down.

I put my back against a wall for support ask just say there watching the rain. Today was a shit day. I groaned in pain once again trying to stand up having to limp my way back home.

Half way to my destination, a red car pulled up besides me rolling down their windows.

"Madison?! It's raining! Get inside!" Someone said from inside the car. I looked over to see Ashton.

"No I can't, I'm soaking and I'll get your car dirty." I said trying to continue walking.

"Madison come here now or I'll pick you up myself." Ashton said. I sighed not wanting him to get wet.

I walked over to the car getting inside cautiously hopping for Ashton not to see the blood dripping down my knees.

"Madi? What were you doing outside in the rain?" He asked obviously confused before looking me up and down his eyes locking with my wound.

"Mads! Your knee is cut up bad!" He said. I nodded in response and he continued driving. I didn't care where I was going I just didn't want to be out in the rain.

"Ashton? Where are we going?" I asked him quietly.

"To my house for an explanation and to clean you up." He said and I nodded. He pulled up to a very nice looking home. It was 2 story and a very nice creamy brown color outside.

He parked his car and I got out following behind him as fast as I could trying not to be soaked and dragging water into Ashton's home. He pulled out his keys unlocking the door and I followed closely behind him.

I looked like a total mess. I stood there in the middle on his home with a bloody knee, soaking wet hair, and dripping clothes. What a great first impression Madison. Great.

Ashton ran upstairs before coming back down with a towel, some clothes, and a first aid-kit. He smiled at me handing me the towel and clothes.

"You can go dry off and change into these dry clothes. The bathroom is the 2nd door on the left." He said and I nodded thanking him.

I followed the instructions given by Ashton and opened the door and found a normal looking bathroom. I put the things on the counter and pulled out the towel drying my wet hair and peeling of my wet clothes squeezing off any water into the sink.

I dried my body before looking at the clothes Ashton offered. It was a pair of boxers, some sweats, and a white sweater. Thank god he gave me something baggy because I didn't have a bra as it was wet.

I walked back out of the bathroom putting my hair up in a bun in the process and sat down on the couch with Ashton. He looked at me smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry if the clothes are big. They're all I can find right now." He said giggling showing off his dimples.

"They're fine Ashton thank you." I said. He nodded pulling out the first aid kit and I rolled up the sweatpants soon I could clean my cut.

"I got it Ash I can do it myself." I said laughing at his hospitality.

"No no, I am a good person and I will not tolerate my patient cleaning up there own booboo." He scolded. I laughed at him before he continued.

"So, how about and explanation now?" He said and I nodded.

"Well, remember when Luke was ignoring me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Well, I decided that I would talk to him after school so I waited for him by his car. When he showed up, I asked him about it and he said he didn't notice. I apologized and he got mad at me for not respecting the fact that "he has a life too". After that, I started walking home and it started raining and from there, I tripped in a crack in the sidewalk and that why I am here today." I said.

"Madi, I'm sorry about Luke. He can be a real dick sometimes." He apologized standing up closing the first aid kit.

"No, it's fine. I overreacted it wasn't hi-" I started saying but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I wonder who's there?" Ashton said before jogging over to the door. He opened the door smiling and 3 boys walked in.

Michael, Calum, and Luke.

Faking It. *luke hemmings*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin