chaper 10

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The 3 boy walked in and I can feel there gazes on me. I tried not making eye contact with them not wanting them to get the wrong idea on what was happening.

"uhm, hey Madi!" Calum greeted sitting down by me.

"Hey Calum." I said smiling back at him breaking the urge of not wanting to look at him. I just had to I mean like, who wouldn't ?

"What are you doing here? With like, your knee all bandaged up?" He asked innocently as Michael greeted me sitting by Calum. Luke just stood there awkwardly.

"I uhm, it started raining and I was walking home and I tripped and scraped my knee on the concrete. I was trying to get home while it was pouring but Ashton pulled up and now here I am." I explained. I hear Luke laugh under his breath and I just looked down more ashamed.

"Awh you poor thing! Calum cuddles for you!" He said engulfing me into a hug. I absolutely loved tight hugs. It made me feel really safe and secure.

"thank you Calum." I said hugging him back.

"I should probably, get home though. My brothers will be worried." I said getting up to grab my clothes and back-pack.

"Brothers? What about your parents?" Michael asked grabbing onto my wrist trying to stop me.

"Oh uhm, i'd rather not talk about it." I said trying to be a kind as possible. I always got emotional talking about my parents. I couldn't even talk to my own brothers about it without sobbing. Just like the party, I couldn't or I'd probably end up sobbing.

"Why?" Ashton urged. I shrugged. I couldn't break down in front of them. I barely knew them and they'd probably not even want to talk to me again if they saw how much of an emotional reck I was.

"Madison why can't you tell us?" Michael insisted. I shook my head swinging my bag over my shoulder. I'd return Ashton's clothes tomorrow when they're clean I just need to go.

I reached for the front door pulling it open to only still see the same dark grey clothes and the rain dropping down onto the concrete.

"Madison!" Someone said sternly.

"What?!" I snapped back suddenly tired of it. The loud crashing of rain causing me to raise my voice. I turn around to see all of them eyes on me irritated.

"Why can't you just talk to us?!" Luke shouted.

"Oh now you want to talk to me?!" I said back. His eyes grew more with irritation as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Madison you're being real clingy and we've only been on one date!" He argued.

"Screw you Luke! Fuck, I don't even know why I even agreed to going on that date with you! You're just a shallow wanna be. I can't believe you." I said

"Well, if you would've just talked to us we wouldn't have been in this mess!" He argued.

"BECAUSE MY PARENTS ARE DEAD LUKE!" I screamed at him. I felt the tears grow in my eyes and they poured down my cheeks. They're eyes soften and they're gazes died down.

"They're dead." I said softly as tears started pouring out more, and more.

Now they knew.

"Madison, I'm so-" Luke started.

"Forget it Luke." I said. I tried running out but was quickly pulled back.

"Madsion, you can't go it's still pouring at least let me drive you home." Calum said. He was the one I was least annoyed with and I really didn't want to get Ashton's clothes wet.

I nodded slightly and he gave me a warm smile. He walked me to the front door and pressed the button on his keys unlocking the door where we quickly ran to his car not wanting to get wet. When we got inside, Calum didn't immediately start the engine. Instead, we sat there. In the silence with just the rain pounding in the background.

"Madi, I'm sorry about what happened. The boys didn't know and we were just worried." He apologized.

"It's okay Calum. It's just, I haven't known you guys for too long. I wasn't sure if I could trust some of you." I said blinking away the tears. He furrowed his eyebrows and he eyes softened.

"Madison, you can trust me. I'm always here for you." He smiled.

"Thanks Calum." I said side hugging him. He smiled back at me before pulling out of the driveway.

"So, did you get the chance to talk to Luke?" He asked as we drove to my house. I nodded.

"What happened?"

"Uhm, well he got kinda mad, I-I think" I said.

"Mad? Why would he be mad?"

"He told me that he has a life too and that why he called me clingy earlier. Because I asked him if he had been avoiding me."

"What the hell?" He said. I just nodded in response.

"Madison?" He asked. I looked at him and his eyes were filled with concern and something else that I couldn't name.

"Promise me one thing." He told me pulling over on the side to which I assume he can have a real conversation with me.

I shrugged

"Depends." I said and he sighed.

"Promise to try and not fall for Luke."

*Luke's POV*

Overall, I felt like a dick. First, I lied about avoiding her. I really was, being with Shannon and seen with Madison would ruin my reputation. I can't have that over some loser girl. Then, I basically forced her to tell us about her dead parents which just made me feel worst about the situation.

Shannon would totally tell the whole school if I went on a date with "Madison Pierce" and I'd be dropped from my group of friends just like that. I didn't want that. I couldn't have that. They're not exactly the "realist" people there are and they could turn down their bitchiness a bit but, they're all I have. And that's what's keeping me at the top.

"Dude, you didn't have to say she was clingy." Ashton sighed plopping onto the couch next to michael.

"Well, she was! What, am I supposed to do?! Say hi to her with Shannon right next to me?" I said. They knew about the situation with Shannon. Except, they weren't Shannon's ex-boyfriend.

"I don't know why you're are being like this Ashton. Since when did you start caring about Madison?" Michael said. I looked at him like he was the smartest person here and scoffed looking at Ashton.

"Of Course you two would say that! Madison is kind! She's real! And she's things Shannon could never be even if she had the right mind." Ashton argued. I've never seen Ashton this mad in a while.

"Ashton, you need to chill. This dare will be over in a few months and you don't even need to worry about Madison anymore." Michael said putting his arm around him.

"It's not just that guys. I like Andrea." He sighed putting his head in his hands.

"You like Andrea?" I asked. He nodded.

"I-I don't know why, there's just something about Andrea that I can't forget about her. A-and if we screw things up with Madison then we screw things up with her friends too." Ashton sighed. That was true.

Her friends were so real. They had her back and she had a lot of them. I only had the 3 boys and I was jealous of her friendship. All I wanted was something like that. Things like that never turn out right for people like me. It doesn't work.

Faking It. *luke hemmings*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin