chapter 12

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*Lukes POV*

The next day, I woke up feeling not myself. Ever since that damn dare, there's been nothing but drama.

"Luke! It's time to wake up!" My mum called to me from outside the door. I couldn't help but think of Madison. Honestly, I wanted nothing to do with her. But, the fact that I made her cry killed me. This time, I've treated a girl like shit and I was sober.

I walked into the bathroom brushing my teeth and fixed my hair putting the gel through it so it was nice and pointy like usual. I walked out of my bathroom pulling out my original back ripped skinnies and a black button up.

I walked downstairs slinging my backpack over my shoulder greeting my mom kissing her cheek before walking out to my car. I got into my car, starting the engine.

I needed to talk to Madison or this guilt will eat me alive. In private of course but the fact that I actually made her cry killed me. What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if I screwed it up?

When I arrived at school, I went straight to look for Calum and Ashton since Michael wouldn't really care. I found them sitting around the bleachers on there phones.

"Hey guys." I greeted not taking a seat. They looked up at me smiling putting down their phones.

"Hey man." Calum greeted.

"I need to talk to Madison." I whispered hoping that the others who were on our "group" wouldn't hear.

"She's not a school today."

Not at school? What happened? Is she hurt? I asked myself. Why was I worried? It's probably because I can't stand the fact about this guilt thing.

"Why?" I asked.

"Avery said she's not feeling well." Calum said.

"But I need to talk to her!" I groaned.

"Chill man, if you really need to talk to her that bad, I'll take you to her house after school." Ashton offered and I nodded thank god. Being guilty sucked. Although, I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of worry when I was told she was sick. Why did I care anyways? I can't like Madison. I'm Luke Hemmimgs. I'm too good for her.

"No she's too good for you." Calum said smirking at me along with Ashton.

"What?" I asked.

"You were thinking out loud." Ashton laughed. I groaned in frustration and sat down.

Maybe I can give her flowers or something? Maybe it'll make her forgive me and we can go on our 2nd date so we hurry up and finish this damn dare. Even if it's only been 6 days I just wanted this to end.

*Madison's POV*

For the rest of the day, I just chilled in my room with Prince watching Netflix. By now, it was just about the time where Landon usually got home but he had to go to the store to pick up some groceries for Christian.


I wonder who's here?

I walked downstairs with Prince trotting behind me. I didn't bother looking out the door I was just really irritated today and just done.

When I opened the door, it was revealed to a beautiful bouquet of white roses which were absolutely stunning being held by a boy just as stunning with 2 others in the back.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said not taking the roses just yet. Luke's eyes got wide and Calum walked straight in pulling me into his famous heart warming hug.

"MADISON! YOURE NOT DEAD!" He cheered. I laughed at the boy and he walked in along with Ashton leaving Luke there standing awkwardly.

"I just uhm, wanted to apologize about what happened." He said looking down. I could obviously see the guilt in his eyes.

I thought about it for a second before smiling to myself.

"Thank you Luke." I said accepting the flowers and let him inside. His eyes glistens and all the guilt which was sucking the life out of his eyes was now gone and it was back to that beautiful lighting blue once again.

When he walked in he immediately gasped at Prince before running over petting him along with Ashton and Calum.

"What's his name Madison?!" Luke asked eagerly pretty excited about the fact that I had a dog which made me laugh.

"Prince." I smiled sitting down by my dog who then moved and sat on my lap.

"Royal, I like it." He smirked before petting Prince once again.

"So, are you really sick?" Ashton asked.

I looked down shaking my head.


"I-I'm sorry. I just couldn't face Luke." I said looking up at them. Luke's eyes once again washed over with guilt which I immediately wanted to go away.

"But hey, it's okay now! See in happy! Happy Madison!" I said poking my cheeks while smiling.

The boys laughed at me there eyes all filled with amusement. Having friends was really fun, especially if you can make them smile. It was a feeling so indescribable.

"So, I guess you and Shannon have something Huh?" Luke asked. We all nodded in response and Calum chuckled due to our comments in class the other day.

"I really hate Shannon. How could you have gone out with her? Ashton said and I nodded.

"I don't know why she doesn't like me? I've done nothing to her." I sighed.

"She's probably just jealous of you. Because, you're much more prettier than her, nicer, and just overall better." Calum say and I smiled.

"Thanks Calum." I said looking at the boy.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked. They shrugged.

"Oh! Madison!" Luke said.


"So, uhm I was think and how about a second date?" He offered taking his lip ring into his mouth. Dude, that was freaking hot.

"Sure!" I said smiling.

"Okay, I know it's like Tuesday but how about tomorrow? Not a big date, we can probably go driving around and eat a cafe or something." He suggested. I nodded.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE WTF." Calum yelled Fake sobbing into his hand. What with this boy?

I laughed at him a little to hard to the point where I snorted which caused me to laugh harder.

"Madison! Calm down!" Ashton said giggling. I could hear the amusement in his voice. When the laughing died down, I just sat there not knowing what to think.

"Hey, you laugh at the things that aren't even that funny. Why is that?" Luke asked laughing. I shrugged.

"Idunno. I found it pretty funny." I said laughing back at the moment.

Faking It. *luke hemmings*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin