chapter 4

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Luke's POV

Should I just get it over with? I'm drunk anyways so what the hell. Do I just ask her? Straight up? Ugh, whatever. Fuck it man.

I look back over to the sliding door where Madison came back tossing me the water.

"Uhm, thanks." I said taking gulps from the water. I smiled at her looking back into the party.

"Are you okay so I can leave you alone now?" She laughed a bit at me. Her teeth were really nice, no wonder why she had that retainer this morning. I nodded smiling back. Wait, no Luke ask her. No don't you're going to make a fool of yourself. Awh screw it.

"Madison?" I blurted. Ugh, stupid stupid shouldn't have done that.

"mhm?" She turned around looking at me.

"Uh, do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked. She looked confused at first and furrowed her eyebrows.

*Madison POV*

Did thee Luke Hemmings just ask me on a date? Like, a literal date. I'm just , really confused right now.

"You're asking me? On a date?" I asked him obviously confused.

"Uh, yeah." He answered smiling awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. What do I do? What do I say?

"Sure" I smiled. He looked up at me smiling.

"Uhm, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 4?" He asked.

"I'll be ready." I laughed before walking back inside the party thinking about it . Wow, thee Luke Hemmings asked me on a date. I smiled to myself at the thought of it. Why me though?

I walked back into the party to see Luke getting up from his spot on the chair and followed behind into the party.

"Hey , your friends and me , michael , and Ashton are playing never have I ever . Do you guys want to join ?" Calum said popping out of nowhere.

"Uh , sure why not" I laughed a bit at his sudden words and followed him into the previous room we were in with Luke following behind. Everyone I came here with was here and had red cups set up on the floor.

"Okay , so I'm assuming everyone knows the rules but if you don't , basically I'm going to say something like "never have a ever... Blah blah" and if you have done the thing that I have never you take a sip of your drink." Michael explained.

I sat inbetween Jacob and Calum with my red cup infront of me as I eyed each of the cups which all seemed to be different colored drinks.

"We'll go to the right and Andrea can go firsts." Ashton said. That means it would go Andrea , Payton, Jacob , me , Calum , Avery , Mason , Luke , Michael , Kayden , and Ashton.

"Okay uhm , never have I ever been nude in public" I laughed at her confession knowing who she was referring to.

"Drink up Kayden" I said laughing at him blush . One day , we made a bet with Kayden that if he could go a day without complaing about how hungry he was then Payton and I would go and wear dude clothes in public and act like dudes but , Kayden losts so he had to go streaking at 12 a.m. down the street. Calum and Luke also took a sip of their drinks which made me laugh even more .

"My turn oh , never have I ever cheated on someone." Payton said. I looked around before seeing Michael and Luke take a sip of their drinks. Lukes cheated on someone before ? woah . That honestly makes me worried on how this "date" tomorrow will turn out. I looked over at Luke to see he was looking down at his cup swishing it around . He looked back up at me before I quickly looked away.

"Jacob, it's your turn" Avery said. He was spacing off somewhere till I snapped my fingers infront of his face which brought him out of his trance.

"What ? Oh . My turn . Yeah , okay never have I ever , treated a girl or for the girls , a boy like shit." He said . Whoah , kinda deep there huh Jacob? This time , Luke once again , was the only one to sip their drink. He treats girls like shit ? This is really worrying me now . Should I rethink this date ? I'll probably talk about it with him after the game or something.

Finally it was my turn , I'm not sure what to say ? What if they think I'm like a wuss for saying something? Okay , I'll just do whatever .

"Never have I ever had sex." It was true . I was still 100% a virgin. I mean like sure, ive kissed a boy but never did the "nasty".

"You're a virgin ?" Calum asked laughing a bit at me while taking a sip from his cup.

"Uh, yeah." I said feeling my face turn red. I tried to cover my face in my hands when I looked back up. Everyone had taken a sip from their cup except for the person I least expected for Ashton.

"You're a virgin Ashton?" I asked laughing bit too not really believing it . He's really a virgin? No , that can't be ? He Ashton freaking Irwin on of the most popular boy in our school?

"Why are you laughing ? So are you !" He said laughing at himself too. His accent and laugh made his voice sound 10x more kinder which actually made me like him a bit.

"Well yeah , but you're like , Ashton."

"She's got a point Fletcher , you are like very well known." Michael pointed out.

"I hate that name and you know that." He said as his eyebrows furrowed showing he was frustrated. We all laughed at him as he seemed to try and hold in a laugh too.

"Ugh , whatever I hate you guys. Calum you're next." Ashton said smiling still trying to hold in his laughing.

"You see while you guys had to wait and think , I already though of what I was going to say-"

"Then say it" Luke interrupted which I found really funny for some reason and just started laughing really hard.

"Okay , never have I ever Self Harmed."

I'm screwed. This time, nobody took a sip except for Luke , me , and Ashton.

"I knew that Ashton used to self harm but you did Luke?" Michael asked Luke. He nodded to himself looking down ashamed before looking back up at me. My friends knew about my problem but the others didn't.

"Why did you self-harm Madison?" Luke asked looking at me straigh in the eyes.

"Well, it's kind of a long story." I said getting a bit worried. I knew that if I tried to explain what happened I'll end up choking up like how I always do.

"We got time." Luke said back. He seemed really persistent for some reason.

"Well uh Uhm, about 3 years ago. m-my parents , they-" I started yet couldn't finish. As I predicted I choked up and It was too hard for me to explain.

"I-I can't. I'm going to the bathroom." I said getting up from my seat a quickly walking out of the room to look for a bathroom.

I walked through a crowd of sweaty drunk people being able to reach the stair case where a bunch of couples were eating each others faces. This trip was like an adventure on Dora of something. First , you have to go through the "disgusting crown of sweaty drunk people" then , you go through "the stairway of face eating" . I don't even know dude.

At the top of the stairway I look around the hall to see not much people but yet a line to which I assume is the bathroom. There has got to be another bathroom. I walk down the hall to a door to the right. I open the door slightly to see a royal blue room with posters all around but yet was clean.

This must be Luke's room.

Faking It. *luke hemmings*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin