The kiss

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Kyu woke up and was looking around, she rememberd she was in the hospital. Lying in bed for  3 days, she haven't moved and was really bored. She grabbed her phone and saw a text of Audrey. Hi darling I hope you feel better xoxo Audrey. That was a sweet message and made Kyu smile for a moment. Kyu thought about their good moments. Drinking at the bar, sleeping in the hotel, eating cupcakes. Yes she knew it, Audrey was the one. First she thought Audrey was just a one night stand. It changed, the more they hang out the more she felt in love with her. She really missed Audrey so she called her. 'Hi honey' Good morning 'What you up to?' Can you come visit me today? 'Ofcourse I will be there after lunch' Can't wait! 'See ya later babe' Kisses. And thats how Kyu ended the phonecall. She felt different know, she felt safe and loved. When Audrey arived the only thing Kyu could do is smile. Audrey walked to the hospital bed and a tear felt down on the bed. Kyu was suprised and told Audrey not to cry and it is going to be allright soon. Audrey: 'I know but I am still shocked what happend and I feel so fucking guilty about it'. Don't it's all my fault. 'No I had to tell you the truth but I wasn't ready'. Now you did even when you were unready so it's fine. Audrey came closer and gave Kyu a kiss on her forehead. Audrey: 'Can you move? I wanna get closer to you'. Kyu moved a bit so Audrey could lie next to her. There they were, two young adult girls lying together in a hospital bed. The nice thing was they didn't needed to talk or to listen just lying next to eachother was enough. Holding eachother hands and looking into eachother eyes, that's what it was all about. Audrey started talking about a tv show she watched last night. Kyu started listening but she wasn't really interested in the show, only in Audrey. Audrey kept talking and Kyu started drowning away. She felt asleep while Audrey was still talking. When Audrey didn't got an answer she looked at Kyu and saw her eyes closed. Wasn't she cute when she was asleep thought Audrey. Audrey asked some things but Kyu wasn't answering. She must be really tired. Audrey didn't knew what to do so she kept watching Kyu sleeping. (not in a creepy way). Audrey thought this is my chance, I really wanna taste her lips, I missed her so much. Audrey moved a bit and was getting closer to Kyu's face. And there she was upside Kyu's face. And than it happend Audrey was getting closer and started pushing her lips on Kyu's. She gave her a soft but sweet kiss. 'What do you think you are doing?' Audrey heard. The nurse came in and was standing next to the hospital bed. 'This patient is sleeping and why are you kissing her without permission?' Excuse me but I am her girlfriend so I know she wouldn't mind. 'Get out of the bed now, please' Allright, but she wasn't sleeping the whole time she was awake when I moved into her bed. 'Good, but this patient needs some rest so it's better that you leave now'. Can't I wait till she is awake, so I can say her goodbye?  'You can leave a note'. Audrey walked to the table where was some paper and a pencil. She wrote a goodbye note and left. She didn't wanted to leave but that bitchy nurse told her to and she knows what's good for Kyu so I had to listen to her. Only for Kyu.. For Kyu. Audrey went home and started up her laptop. She was looking at all the photos Kyu and she took. Most of them were drunk pictures and some of them were really kinky. She knows Kyu will get better, she believes in Kyu. She was kinda bored and couldn't get her mind of Kyu. Kyu was all she could think about. Kyu Kyu Kyu... With her pink her and cheering smile, her kinky pickup lines and smart flirting. Audrey was sure that she was really in love with Kyu. She needed her, she needed her kisses, she needed her telling it was all gonna be okay, she needed her cheering with her, she needed her in bed. She needed Kyu. Kyu... Audrey was getting sad when she was thinking of the fact Kyu wasn't here. She didn't knew what to do. So she just got drunk untill she passed out.

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