chapter one

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"Hello, love," it's my best friend, Newt. He's the only one who calls me love, and every time he says it my heart skips a beat.

"Hey," I reply.

"Are you excited for the new greenie?" He asks.

"Yes! I hope it's a girl, it can get a little lonely."

"Ouch, that hurts," Newt replies sarcastically.

"Shut up, you know what I mean. The guys are great, I would just love it if I could have another girl to keep me company."

"I think it'll be another boy. But if that's what you think will happen."

"Yeah it'll probably be another guy, I just want it to be a girl. And I don't want to be called greenie anymore."

"Yeah, but everyone has to go through that. And I don't call you greenie."

"Yeah, thanks. I hate it, is it really that hard to call me y/n?"

"Well I don't call you y/n. Do you want me to?"

I don't know what I would do if he stopped calling me love. "As long as it's not Greenie."


I want to ask him more about it, but it might just mean nothing. He probably just wants to stay friends, unlike me. I really like him.

"Why do you call me love?" I blurt out before I realize what I'm doing.

Newt looks taken aback. "Umm... Actually I've been meaning to talk to you about that."

"Okay," I answer a little too eagerly.

"Ever since-"

Newt gets cut off by the sound of the box alarm. Although I'm disappointed I won't get to hear what Newt wants to say, I jump in excitement.

"Okay, let's go!" Newt says, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the box.

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