chapter three

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"And the last building is the medjack shack, that's where I work. Any questions?" I ask, concluding our tour of the glade.

"Just one," the nameless boy answers.

"Ask away," I reply.

"What's up with you and Newt?"

I inhale a quick breath, surprised by his question. "Um..."

"I was just wondering. I couldn't help but notice he's been watching us the entire time."

We both look over at Newt who is looking at us. He turns away quickly, pretending not to see us.

"No, we're just friends."

"Fine, but he looks pretty jealous if you ask me."

"It's almost dinner time do you want to head to the kitchen?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Are you trying to distract me?" He asks, surely suspicious.

"We're really not dating and it really is dinner time."

"Whatever you say..."

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