chapter nine

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That's it. I'm done waiting for Newt to be ready to talk, I'm making him. Once I've finished work I walk over to the gardens to get Newt, but he is nowhere to be found. I decide to ask Zart about it.

"Hey, Zart."

"Hey," he replies.

"Do you know where Newt is?"

"He didn't come to work today."

"What?" I ask, shocked. Newt loves working in the gardens, he would never miss a day.

"We looked for him a little, but if he doesn't want to be found he doesn't want to be found."

"Okay, thanks anyways."

He's probably in his tree. No wonder nobody found him, he doesn't like to tell people about it.

I find him at the tree. I don't know how to approach him, instead I stand there watching and twirling the end of my hair nervously.

He's pacing around the base, his limp showing the faster he tries to walk. He is so deep in thought he still hasn't noticed me.

I continue to watch. Newt is muttering to himself, but I can't make out what he's saying. He cracks his knuckles, but stops once he realizes he isn't alone. He looks up, surprised to see me.

"Um...hey," I say, still not sure how to begin this conversation.

"What do you want?" he snaps.

I continue, trying my best to ignore his menacing tone. "I... just... This has gone on long enough, we need to talk."

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