chapter six

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I leave the homestead for the forest, hoping Newt is still there. He knows I'll come looking for him. The question is, does he want me to? I head towards his favorite tree, if he wants me to find him he'll probably be there.

I find him sitting on a low branch.

"Newt?" I call out.

No answer, but he must've heard me.

I decide to climb up the tree. He sees me at the base. He doesn't ask me to join him, but he doesn't ask me to leave.

When I make it to his branch I sit down next to him. "Hey," I say.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," he replies curtly.

"Please," I scoff, "you wouldn't say a word at dinner and then you stormed out. What the hell was that all about?"

"Why do you care?"

"I really hope you're not serious. How could I not care?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. But I'm fine," he apologizes less than sincerely.

"Okay, you really don't want to talk or finish talking about anything?" I ask, emphasizing the last part.

"What do you mean?"

"You were going to say something before the greenie alarm went off-"

"No, I wasn't".

"Oh..." I say, disappointed. I really want to know why he calls me love.

He just nods.

It remains silent, the awkwardness in the air so thick you can feel it.

"It's getting late we should go to bed," I say breaking the silence. I jump down from the tree, landing on the soft grass. "You coming, Newt?"

"No, I'm gonna stay here for a little while longer. But y/n, you should go."


I walk back to my hammock, the only thing on my mind is that he called me y/n, not love.

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