chapter seven

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Thinking, I stare into the raging flames of the bonfire. Although the celebration for the new greenie was supposed to be the happiest night of  the month, I'm upset. Newt hasn't said a word to me since last night. At meals he was distant, he ate his food and left early, just as he had done at dinner the previous night.

During the day I usually visit him in the gardens when no one is in the medjack shack, but today he told me he was busy and that I should get back to work. He just sent me away like I didn't matter to him at all.

"You okay there?" Thomas asks. He sits on the log next to me.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"Thinking about Newt?"

"Um... yeah."

"And how much you love him?"

"How many times must I tell you, I'm not in love with Newt."

"I already explained, you have to convince me."

"Yeah, but you won't tell me how to do that."

"Do you want me to?"

"Anything to get you to stop teasing me about this."

"Okay, I'll tell you."

"What do I have to do?" I ask, but I receive no response. Thomas just sits on the log, looking at me. Confused I ask, "aren't you going to tell-"

He cuts me off by crashing his lips into mine. I freeze, this is not what I was expecting. He continues kissing me, but I don't kiss back. We're sitting in the middle of the bonfire, in full view of the glade. Luckily they're all watching Gally beat the others senseless. He finally stops.

"I- I- I got t-t-to go," is all I can get out before I stumble far away from Thomas.

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