chapter twelve

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"Okay, shoot," he says.

"Right before Thomas came up in the box you were saying something but you said you would tell me later."

I can feel Newt shift uncomfortably next to me. "Um... I don't remember what it was," he says, attempting to avoid the question. He coughs and cracks his knuckles.

"Newt, I can tell when you're lying."

"No, you can't."

"Yeah I can."


"When you're about lie you cough once and crack the knuckles on your right hand, then your left hand. You do it every time, it's not that hard to tell. You crack your knuckles other times too."

"I do not, how would you know anyways."

"You're joking right? I know I've only been here a month, but we spend all of our time together. I know most of your weird habits, and you must know at least a few of mine."

"Well, yeah. You have a ton. I just didn't think I had any."

"But I can't have that many."

"Whenever you're nervous or scared you play with the ends of your hair. You're always tapping your fingers or bouncing your knee under the table at dinner, you just can't sit still. You like to rearrange things so that they line up perfectly. And when you lie you look away and blink too much."

"Wow." I know we're best friends, but I didn't know he knew me that well. "Will you tell me now?" I rest my head on his shoulder, knowing he won't be able to say no.

He sighs. "Alright."

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