Spare The Pain - Ch. 3: Confessional Memories

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"Armin, I have to tell you something. It might ruin our friendship, but promise not to think any less of me," Eren explained.
The rest of the school day went by slowly, which Armin didn't enjoy. After the blond closed his locker, he was met by Eren Yeager. Armin sighs before walking away from the brunette. Being the guy he was, Eren followed the blond - not caring about what the blond would say or do. The two walked side by side, the same heavy silence filled the space between them. None of them wanted the silence, both of them yearned for the light atmosphere they used to had. The one filled with laughter, kind words, hugs and stolen kisses.
"I promise I won't think any less of you," Armin promised.
But instead, the atmosphere was heavy and no words were exchanged. Neither of them laughed, hugged or kissed. Both of them were quieted by the thinking each of them were doing. Once again, Armin thought about the duo's morning conversation. He hadn't talked to Jean since the couple's conversation at the blond's locker. Eren was thinking about his past with Armin. How much time the two spent together and all the 'I love you's that were said. The brunette also thought of something that would strike a conversation.
"Well... Armin... I... I love you, more than a friend..." Eren nervously confessed.
"Well, Armin. Why have you been ignoring me ever since lunch?" Eren speaks up.

"Why have you been following me this whole day?" Armin asked.

Eren sighed. Both boys walked out of the school building.

"Look, I want to talk about this morning," Eren informed.

"Can't. I have to go home," Armin lied, shaking his head.

"Let me give you a ride," Eren insisted.

Armin don't want to go with Eren, but it had begun to drizzle - giving him no choice. The blond nodded and followed the brunette. They walked to the parking lot of the school where a few students were, the ones with cars. As the two walked, Armin looked around. His eyes wandered the parking lot until they landed on a specific someone. Jean fucking Kirstein. He didn't see only Jean, he saw Marco Bott as well. Both Jean and Marco seemed to be doing something together. The blond squinted his eyes, trying to look closer.

Armin gasped as he realized what his boyfriend and his best friend were doing. Even after shaking his head twice, they didn't stop. The blond didn't even notice that he had stopped walking until Eren tugged on his arm. Eren, curiously, looked in the direction that Armin was looking. Once the brunette realized the situation, he took Armin's hand and forcefully pulled on it - making Armin stumble forward as he unwillingly followed Eren. When they got to Eren's car, Armin quickly got in the passenger seat with tears streaming down his face. Eren got in the driver's seat and started the car. The drizzle disappeared and was replace by pounding rain.

"Armin... I-" Eren began but was interrupted by a ringing.

Armin pulled out his phone and looked at the caller ID.

"Hello?" Armin answered, trying to sound like he wasn't just crying.

"Armin, honey, if you can, come to Eren's house," the voice that belonged to Armin's mother replied.

"Why?" Armin asked.

"We have to talk. Please, just come to his house. This is important. If you can, ask Eren to give you a ride," the blond's mother explained.

"Don't worry, Eren's giving me a ride anyway," Armin informed.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Goodbye," Armin's mother ended their call.

Armin sighed as he put his phone away. He looked up to notice that Eren was staring at him. A crimson blush appeared on Armin's face.

"Wh-why are y-you st-staring at me?" Armin stutteringly asked.

"You shouldn't cry," Eren said. "Someone like you shouldn't cry."

Eren leaned forward and cupped Armin's face. The brunette's thumbs were used to wipe away the tears on the blond's face.

"You're one to talk," Armin whispered.

Whether Eren don't hear, or didn't care, the brunette didn't reply.

"Change of plans, take me to your house," Armin informs.

"I wasn't going to take you to your house even if the plans weren't changed," Eren confessed.

With that, silence overcame the two. Eren let go of Armin and began to drive while Armin sat there, looking out to window. Soon, the blond got lost in his thinking.
"Armin, I have to tell you something. It might ruin our friendship, but promise not to think any less of me," Eren explained.

"I promise I won't think any less of you," Armin promised.

"Well... Armin... I... I love you, more than a friend," Eren nervously confessed.

Armin's eyes widened as he looked up at the brunette. Eren moved closer to his best friend and took his hand.

"Eren... I... I love you too," Armin smiled. "More than a friend."

Eren brightened up as he processed the words that Armin had just spoken. No other words were said before Eren placed a hand on Armin's cheek and leaned forward. In just mere seconds, the lips of both boys' connected. Without breaking the kiss, Eren lightly pushed Armin onto the bed. The brunette then pulled away before going any farther.

"Armin, be my boyfriend?" Eren asked.

"There's nothing better than this offer," Armin giggled. "Of course, Eren. I'll be your boyfriend."

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